drinks and motorcycles


maybe he shouldn't have been "walking that fence."
it is not yet availble online yet, but the ny daily news has the crime scene photo. outline of body is visible under the sheet

Thats the same reason i never would ride a bike, to easy to die if i make a mistake. And im prone to making mistakes.
man i wouldn't ride a skateboard drunk...let alone a motorcycle. sad to hear though

i would love to own a harley... i'm all about it... though, going fast doesn't impress me... I dont' do anything while drunk... never been drunk... never drank... I keep myself away from anything that can alter my alertness
Snitty said:
i would love to own a harley... i'm all about it... though, going fast doesn't impress me... I dont' do anything while drunk... never been drunk... never drank... I keep myself away from anything that can alter my alertness

My wife drives a harley and follows the same rules when driving. I wont get on one. Motorcycle drivers call car drivers "cage drivers" and my wife dubbed Jeep Drivers as the Ultimate Cage Drivers"
I just want to say Motorcycles are dangerous. But to say "this is the reason I dont have a motorcycle" and compare it to this story is wrong. This same accident could have happened in anyone of our jeeps. And especially if you are Drunk!!! My husband and I both ride, He has dumped his bike once and I watched, not a pretty sight. Yes I was scared out of my mind to get on for awhile after that. But I did. Drinking is the main factor in this story and Ive read and seen others where speed was the factor, or not wearing a helmet. Its all in the hands of god, and what we choose to do. To ALL have a good day and drive safely :wink:

sure in this accident the major factor was the drivers level of intoxication. my point is i like the security (false or not) of having that cage of a car/jeep around me. to much traffic in NYC. i guess i should have made that point clear in my first post. sorry to offend the motorcycle enthusists out there
Dont worry 4x4 Im not offended I was just putting in my opinion. Thats what the board is here for right? I guess I carried some hard feelings over from similar post on a street bike forum. Sorry I :oops: ment nothing against you
Motorcycles. I´ve driven one type or another for 40 years. I have developed a few oppinions.
One is, slower doesn´t equal safer. If your traveling some faster than traffic, you only really have to worry about, the fools in front of you. You´ve almost doubled your chances. Don´t ever count on other drivers to do the right thing. You may be disappointed to death.
The only serious accidents I´ve had, were at less than 30 MPH. When I was cruising and feeling a little too comfortable.
I learned on a dirt bike, which really helps when you get in trouble. The same techniques work, for both a street bike and a dirt bike, when things start sliding.
I set up my bikes, as TT bikes, handling is more important than style.
I only drive really fast on highways I know. My bike has a 180 MPH top end.
You really have to pay attention every second, a few seconds of day dreaming or not paying attention may be your last. Drinking doesn´t even enter into, motorcycle survival techniques.
A few extry horses, to get the heck out of the way, will also save your bacon someday.
Full leathers and a quality helmet, even on the hottest day, are cooler than your rear end, sliding down the interstate. I´ve sent Bell a few dented helmets, they have always sent me a thankyou note and a coupon for a new helmet. I learned the value, of the old helmet the hard way. My first serious crash I wasn´t wearing one.
Kevlar is cheaper than Doctors, though they are both expensive.

That is sad but the truth is if you are not smart enough to say enough is enough that is one of the many consequenses ......What is the deal with the post of all the people dieing???? Bad things happen in 3's ???? :( :( :(
Hahahaha I love it.

May I be the first to say


"He was a responsible 28-year-old guy. I would go to him for advice.

I hope it wasn't motorcycling!!!

Let me say I am sorry for his family, and appolgize to those about to jump my ass for being heartless. But I do ride a bike, have for 15 years, have owned cruisers, fast and slow and currently own a rocket ship of a bike. I have become jaded to such sad stories of dumbasses making "us" look bad.

If it was a man broadsided after drunk runs redlight and impails the biker on a fence story then sure,...But F#@&^%* DRUNK AND RIDING TOO FAST?? ..........

I thank him for at least NOT taking anyone out with him.