Don't ever Drink and Drive

Re: Hook a Lady Up with Lift Info.

agreed, she was. It happens everyday..just hope we all have better judgement before doing them things. we've talked about it before on this forum. And i think our general out come was its stupid. don't do it.

alright this is an edit to my post, i feel horrible after watching that. last weekend we had a major party, everyone was wasted except a few friends, and i knew people were driving drunk. i tried several ways to not let a friend of mine drive home drunk but eventually he talked me into it and i allowed him to drive home by himself. he had apparently also driven several other people around that night after drinking, (earlier in the night), just thinking about the what the consequences could have been almost kills me... my friends should mean more to me than that so from now on i've decided not to let that shit happen if it can be prevented. myself personally, i dont drink unless i kno im definatley going to be staying somewhere but other people dont think like me and need some guidance sometimes so i geuss thats what i kind of feel my place around parties is, to slap some life back into the drunks who held onto their keys when they walked through the door

Torx trouble

I learnt my lesson the hard way about 10 years ago just after highschool. My buddies and I went up to one of the local ski mountains in the summer and got absolutely wasted. I don't know what I was thinking but I tried to drive home. Coming down the mountain, I didn't see the road bend and drove my car across the oncoming traffic lane straight into the side of the mountain...didn't even see it coming till after it happened. Lucky for us, we were in a big car otherwise we would've been dead. I got off easy because one of my friends was driving behind us and gave us a ride home. Got a call from the police the next day and told them a deer ran out in front of me. Haven't driven like that since.
Got a cousin who had this happen... Drank too much at a party one night, got behind the wheel to drive home, and it ended in the same way that clip did. He had head and neck damage, and his date didn't make it off the scene of the wreck that night. A lot of people hear the "don't drink and drive" but never take it to heart until something happens to themselves or someone they know.
Unfortunate but then there are people like my father who have been drinking and driving their whole lives. never injured anyone, but everytime he gets caught its been a slap on the wrist. (5 oui's to be exact and the last one the basterd got off on probation and drunk school) I am a fan of MADD. Never driven while drinking anything but dunkin donuts coffee (which is a hazard all in its own) A fith oui carry's manditiory 5 years in prision and indefinit loss of licence, my father got off because of the law in that states if you havent had one in 5 years its a lower charge, lower as in 2nd instead of fith.........tell me how incredibly retarded that is.........................Oh and he gets his licence back in 3..............and still drinking..........something needs to be done about this, I can honestly say I belive he wiill do it again, and again, and again, and I know he is not the ony one like this. I heard that after 10pm on a weekend 3 out of ever 10 cars you drive by, have had one or more drinks. I know a woman my size can be legally DRUNK after one drink. Sad isn't it?

I tend to not like alot of the anti drinking ads, mainly because I don't do it and alot of them are pretty dumb.....I have been telling my younger brother (19) for about a year now that he shouldn't be drving drunk...well guess what, he wrecked his car, broke his ankle in 3 places and had staples put in his head and back.....he didn't want to listen, and most other people that do it aren't going to want to listen....its something they have to learn on their own unfortunately, but I agree people that drive drunk are idiots