doing things right, the second time, Or, if you want somethi


New member

So, I have these Tuffy speaker/lockboxes mounted on the wheel wells. They were there when I bought the Jeep. I like them but they had an issue. They rattled like mad!
So I decide that I'm going to fix them. Should be easy enough. Just tighten the bolts. To do this I have to pull the wheels off and then the plastic wheel well liner. So I do that and tighten the bolts as much as possible. Put the wheels back on and it didn't help!
I should have known it wouldn't, after I found out what local car stereo "experts" put them in. All they did was to use those nylon lock nuts, these are as useless as t!ts on a bull. Not only that, but they put down NOTHING between the box and the wheel well. Just metal on metal! So I bought new bolts, lock washers, nuts and foam shelf paper stuff for a grand total of $5.00. I put the foam between the box and wheel well, put in the new hardware and tighten them down. PERFECT!
No more rattling! I just tweaks me when people pay a place to do a job and it's done half a$$
So when people ask me, "Hey hey where'd you get that?" (that should tell you who did the job) I tell them I did it myself.

Now, I have to chase down new sounds that I didn't hear before