D'oh!! ... D'oh!!


New member
So I have this problem with my parking brake not holding when I press it down (it's actually a problem that initiated a recall)...but I need to park on a steep slope so I simply left it in gear.

I was meeting (for the first time) with a real estate investor who is very well established and much further along than I (i.e. I didn't want to look like a dork). After coming out of this guys office, I notice my Jeep had slowly rolled into and was resting on the back of his truck. It was a working truck so it was no big deal...there wasn't even a dent. He said no problem, but I felt like a dork all the same.

As I hop in my Jeep, dork feeling and all, and he pulls his truck forward, my Jeep jolts forward as the weight of my Jeep is transferred from his truck back to my brakes. Wanting to pull away from where the Jeep had rolled forward, I put my Jeep in reverse, throttle up and BAM!!! Forgot about the little car parked behind me...only this time there WAS damage. And that dork feeling I had? Well now it's magnified by about 2500x.

The guy was apologetic since, in his mind, it was his office and he recommended parking there...but I was the one that had "NON-DRIVING DORK" printed in big bold letters across my forehead...or at least it sure felt like it. I left my number on the car while trying to act normal when what I really wanted was a nice big rock to crawl under.

No worries though cause later that day, a State Trooper gave me a nice little gift to lift my spirits...a ticket...for having 2-day old plates...on a Saturday!! Sometimes, you just want to hit something (or someone). :x

Dude, that's rough! Oh, well....at least I can think of this when I think I'm having a bad day, and I'll feel better!
maybe you should stay home for a few days and let you bad luck pass.

I had the same (e-brake) recall problem with my jeep, One morning I went out to start up and heat the jeep, My drive way is 4 long but on a little slope. So I went back in to get the baby, walked outside and hey my jeep was in the middle of the street Luckly it was winter and no one was around to run into it.
Good luck

Mine popped and rolled back into an S10. That cost my insurance Co a few duckets. I got a recall notice a couple weeks later. Ever heard of Murphy's Law???
Good thread...

Well I called the traffic bureau and the fee for my expired plate ticket? ONE HUNERT & FIFTY TWO DUCKETS!!! I was expecting about a third of that...in which case I would have simply paid it.

BUT I think I'll show up in court...since I'm told the fee will often be reduced or waived. Even more so, I'll get some satisfaction out of forcing that wonderful trooper (who also warned me that I could get more citiations over the weekend from other cops) to have to be there for such a petty little thing. A few weeks old, I could understand, but two days old on a Saturday?? I think a warning would have been sufficient.
I hate that... It's like: Happy Birthday from the Michigan Secretary of State! Your plate has expired, so you owe us any cash you might have gotten for your birthday, and then some. Have a nice day

Anyway, after 1 hour in court + 90 minutes round trip travel time...the judge was nice enough to lower the fee to $75...but the cop didn't even have to show up. :evil: Funny thing is, there was a guy with an open container citation who's initial fee was less than mine. Where's the justice I say? Wheeeere's the juuuustiiiiiiiiiceee!?

No worries though...it just so happens I plenty of other bureaucratic procedures that I needed to waste my time on in the Cobb County Government Center.

Now, since the damage claim is pretty much done, I can just sit back and relax for a while...that is until time for my insurance policy renewal comes around and Progressive tells me to bend over. :shock: