** does the secret message board work ..?? **


New member

how do you send a secret message ..?? I click on it and all i get is a blank screen .. does anyone know how to use it ..?? [addsig]


I believe the private messages are down.[addsig]

Should be fixed on - The new site

If anyone notices anything else that's broken around here, post it in the support section, and I'll try to get it fixed.

Re: 1042885

how do you send a secret message ..?? I click on it and all i get is a blank screen .. does anyone know how to use it ..?? [addsig]

That is why it's called a "secret" message.....If we TELL you, then it won't be a secret anymore, Silly! ;) I think you have to figure it out yourself.. I really don't know. I just got one from a secret admirer.. but I didn't answer it... for fear it may be from one of my scary convict neighbors.