Does anyone make money...........


New member
with their winch in the winter time, pulling people out of the snow?

What are some other uses that you've used your winch for other than wheelin?

I am always willing to use it to help, but never charge anyone for the help! tug
Our club volunteers driving medical personel to various hospitals throughout the New England area during inclement weather. (our members hail from NH and VT to NJ) One thing I found out through a member who is also our insurance agent is that if you charge for helping in any way... winch, tug or a ride, you become instantly and definately liable, where as there would be some question if you do so for free. There is also another club that drives Christmas dinners to folks who can't get out due to physical situations or illnesses.
Lots to do to help during the holiday/winter/bad weather season.
Time to buy a Hi-Lift...

I wouldn't do it. In fact, as much as I hate it, I'm scared to pull somebody out period. Things the way they are these days, if you pull somebody out (charging them or free) and their car gets damaged, they might sue you, and they'd probably win. It's not fair, and it's not right, but that's the way things are in this country now. My winch will pull out my jeep, and people I'm wheeling with. That's it. If I see someone in a ditch in a snowstorm, I give them a ride and let them use my phone, but I'm not pulling their car out. Think about it, you could pull some guy out and end up having to sell your jeep to pay for the lawsuit. Sad but true. Would most people sue you, probably not, but are you willing to risk it? I'm not.
i go around in the winter and sit at the bottom of snow covered hills just waiting for some unequipped vehicle to make an attempt to get up. well they never get far... and as soon as they back down i go over and offer help (either a ride home, or pull their car up with a tow strap). most of them actually like the tow strap idea, and i haven't had a bad experience with it yet. i think i'd always atleast offer to pull somebody out (and tell them the risks ofcourse), but let them make the decision.
here in colorado we had a blizzard last year and everyone i pulled out offered me money, even some that we didnt actually get out offered us money for trying, although we declined to accept it. i just told them i was one of many genourous jeepers

I´ve pulled people out of the ditch, they pressed money into my hand, I didn´t really want. But I usually carry a few sheets, of release from liability forms, in my glove box (can be picked up at most stationary store). Lawyer told me, they aren´t really worth the paper they are written on, but at least something to show in court. If it gets that far. I work for the County, kind of a special situation, but I still cover my rear end. You have to size up, who your helping. I know for a fact, that people either lie a lot (usually for no good reason, why tell the truth when a good lie will do) or there reality, is so far removed from mine, they could be from another planet. I´m in court a half dozen times a year, usually in connection, with auto accidents, due to wild game. But have testified, for everybody, from the fire departement, to the tow truck driver.
Don't let fear of a lawsuit stop you from helping someone in a jam. I remember when I was 18 I hit a patch of ice and my Toyota 4x4 slid off a road into a ditch, I was way way stuck and this dude in a monster Chevy winched me out. He didn't ask for money, and when I tried to slip him a 20 spot, he laughed and told me to remember this if I ever got a real 4x4 :roll: . I don't have a winch, but I've pulled over to shovel & push quite a few since then. This winter I'll at least have tow straps & chains.

If we let that kind of stuff worry us, the Lawyers win. Perish the thought! :x :x :x
Fear of helping folks out! Not me Pal it is the fear of not helping others that I fear the most. People may be all unable to know how to deal with nice helpful folk where you are but where I am I always stop and at least offer help. You are playing with a double edge swoard by not helping others and it will come back to haunt you some day. Just do not get mad when they say sorry can't help.

This country is slipping but it has not fallen yet. We need to stop running long enough to sure up the supports of Ol Glory and keep her form the fall. There are a ton of jerks out there but there are also a plenty of good willing hard working red blooded Americans still out and about. Do we discount them for the bad ones? Or do we take a chance to be a part of the human race?

I run a business, a small one granted but I provide a service to others and have a good following of sellers and buyers that I work for. Good return clients that have learned to trust me and support what I do. Prior to every Auction I pray, Publicly over my sound system. Might I offend someone by this? Well I sure hope so! I am offended everday by someone or something that the politicaly correct say or do. I am offended by the folks unwilling to vote! I am offended by the jerks that can not see the forrest for the trees when it comes to local politics and on up the line to the white house.

Stand up and be counted and do what you think is right. If you are afraid to help then you are right to not help! I guess, I mean this is a Free Country I know it is cause I can show you thousands of graves here at the local Veterans hospital that proves we are at least suppost to be free. As for me if I can do one thing to make life a little better for someone along my way through then I will, If I get burned for it, OK and I will just try harder next time.

The man that will not stand for something, will fall for anything! Getting down off the ol Soap Box now, just hit a nerve with this one. tug

1996 cherokee recalls????

I ONLY charge Cowboy fans. :lol:

I agree with Mudderchuck, size em up. A verbal agreement/waiver infront of another person is good enough depending on where you live.

And when I used to own my 88 toyota 4x4 I pulled out PLENTY of those so called "REAL" 4x4 Chevys. If I hear another Chevy guy talk smack about Toyota just because it's Japanese I'll... I'll... was he a Cowboy fan Copper?
Good words Tug! The truth is that we cannot turn our backs on people just because of a few (or a bunch) of Jerks that try to take advantage of lawsuits. If you are going to help somebody, just make sure you survery the scene and be sure you can handle the task. If you can't, well, just don't try it. Be honest and say, "heck, it be safer to call a tow truck" I am a true beleiver in the phrase "what goes around comes around" . I'm the type of person that likes to pull over and help stranded motorists on the side of the road. I have helped out many many people, and when it was myy turn to be the stranded morotist on the side of the road, well, a nice truck driver pulled over and drove me alll the way home (about 140 mi) . Granted it was on his way, but he did not have to "take the risk" , but I'm sure glad he did. The perfect country song for this topic is "The Chain of love" by Clay Walker.
Dana 300 expert needed

I'm always up for helping people that are stuck. Why just this past Christmas it was a surprise white one and on the way to my mothers house I helped two people that had slide off the road. One was a little toyota carrola and the other was one of those kia mini-utes. I help because I would want help in the same situation. Oh and Tug said it just right, plus with a name like Tug-n-pull he has to help people :lol:

I would definitely help someone if they needed it. I agree that we can't live in fear of being sued by someone we tried to help out. That's not a very healthy lifestyle to live at all. There are plenty of times that I needed help stranded or stuck, and someone ended up helping me. I tried to offer them money but they wouldn't take it. So I figure if they can help me then I can help someone else for sure!!!! If those people didn't help then those nights would have been miserable.
I also would help anyone out. Lawsuits...........Not worried. If they get testy about damage after they have been clearly warned, simply drive off with the part your hooked up to. What are they gonna do chase ya?? :lol: :lol: :wink:

I used to live (parents still do) in the poorest county in AR. We've been sued bya kid's family who jumped our fence and drowned in our pool, and sued casue my dad pulled an M1 carbine on a bunch of thugs who were hooking chains on our street signs and yanking them out of our yard. I have a wife and a baby to take care of, and I'm not gonna risk pulling someone I don't know out, because you can lose everything in the drop of a hat. Does that mean I won't help people, no way. I'll give them a ride, let them use my cell phone, or try to push them out by hand, but you won't catch me in court having the prosecutor ask my why I tried to pull someone out when I'm not a licesced tow truck driver. One of my buddies got stuck paying $750 to redo a guys electical system in his truck cause the guy (not my friend) hooked the jumper cables up backwards and fried all his guages in his pickup (friends lawyer said wasn't worth going to court over, because the case was based on my friend not telling the guy how to hook up the cables; he got "just pay him and learn a lesson"). If I know you and am pretty sure you won't sue me, here's my winch cable, if I don't know you, get in and I'll give you a ride. Disclaimers don't work, just like our "no trespassing" and "private property" signs didn't keep that kid out of our pool. I simply won't risk my family's well being on a hope that nothing goes wrong, and if it does, I won't get sued. Not in this day and time. I'm not abandoning people in need (I picked a guy up on Xmas eve 2 years ago and gave him a ride to his family's house), but I'm not putting myself in that kinda risk either. I don't like it, but that's just the world we live in. You can say it's not that bad, but it is where I live. Our insurance rates are higher on our vehicles here too, cause so many people don't have insurance, and if there is an accident, somebody's suing somebody (that's what I was told by USAA). I pay as much for uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist as I do for collision. Is it right that I pay more cause there are people driving around without insurance? Hell, no, but if I get hit by an uninsured motorist, I'm out a vehicle and their not gonna pay for it. My dad's always told me to cover my ass. The older I get the more I understand what he meant.....
Thanks for all the replys. Last year, I too have volenteered at our local Hospital, and never asked for $$$. One lady offered to pay me, but I turned her down and said, thats why I volenteered.

I'm not looking to go out and get rich off others misfortune, (I've been stuck in a passenger car too), but at the same time, I think if they offer, I'm probably not gonna refuse. That will be my "Mad Mod Money".
I think It all really depends on the situation. I would not charge someone but if you pull someone out in a mercedes and they offer you some money it is a completely differant story than when someone in an old beat up Hyndai needs help. As far as sueing me. Go right ahead. I don't have anything to give anyway. Besides I have been trying to get money from a girl that hit my truck for 5 years and there is not a thing I can do about it other than let the collection agency ruin her credit for a while. It sucks that $2500 would go a long way on my Jeep. Sorry about the little tantrum there it just pisses me off.

i'll help anyone out... ever hear of the "good samaritan" law? it protects you from lawsuit if you're just being a good person and helping someone in need... if you charge you're screwed.... of course if you're reckless about it then they might have a case....but its not easy for them to sue you in that case. its one thing to pull someone out who cant get traction to get out of a parking lot, its another to pull someone in a ditch.