Does anyone here have nitrous in their 4.0L?


New member

I have the opportunity of getting an nitrous system for my jeep for real cheap and was wondering if anyone here has ever done it or heard of what kind of power gains others have gotten from it. My buddy who's a mechanic happened to get one through some promotion from one of his dealers and he'll give it to me for $100 Canadian. I know nitrous isn't good for valves and pretty much everything else in the engine because it burns so hot and this isn't some hot rod for drag racing but I'm still thinking about it. If I install it, it won't be injected straight into the cylinders like most systems. It will be set up so the nitrous is injected further back, closer to the air box so I won't get quite as much kick out of it but still enough to notice it. I've had it in one of my older cars back in highschool (69 Mach I Mustang with a 390 CobraJet). Just wondering if anyone here has had any experience with it or any suggestions. Still thinking about it...I might just save the money and blow it on something else for my jeep.[addsig]


Blow it on something else, but if you do it I am buying a
plane ticket to come see it in action. Friends fly free who's
coming with me ??? Seriously the 4.0 isn't made o handle nitro
but like I said it's your jeep, blow it up... :lol: :-D :lol: Just my $.02[addsig]

Well, I have to agree with Jhiggins. Jeep where not meant for such kind of mod, but it is your Jeep, and you should do whatever you want with it as long as it is safe for yourself and others. You never know, you may stumble onto something really cool. If you do decide to do it, try to document it as best as possible and keep us updated on how it goes. -Al[addsig]


This maybe the musclecar lover in me talking but I would say go for it, BUT... If you do I would have the engine rebuilt top to bottom before putting the NOS in or you most likely blow your engine up Rrrreeeal fast. Any engine can be built to hanle NOS... but if you do a rebuild it will probably cost you anywhere from $500-$1200 depending if you do it yourself. So the nos may be cheap, but if you want to do it right it will cost you in the end. I'm always a sucker for some good ol HP boost. Keep us informed![addsig]

The musclecar talk is coming out in me too... When it comes down to it NO stock engine is built for nitrous-- if abused it WILL ruin your motor, BUT if done correctly it can be done with no adverse effects.. A few things that come to mind-- A.) It sounds like you are NOT doing a "fogger' system (where you drill into the heads and inject the nitrous directly into the cylinders)-- which leads me to believe you are adding a spray bar that taps into the fuel line at the throttle body. This is essentially "bolt on" and can be removed (without leaving any scars) if you try it and don't like .. B.) Any kit like this is most likely going to be for a street car, not a pure race car, so it will not be a give a huge 300 hp gain-- it will probably give between 50 and 75 hp.. which is a modest gain that the driveline of a jeep should be able to absorb without a problem. C.) An overused nitrous system will cause problems-- but how often would you actually use it? I assume you won't be continuously drag racing your jeep, so it would be used only when you happen to be sitting at a light next to a mustang.. Most nitous bursts are for 3-10 seconds... so 10 seconds of hot burning nitrous every couple weeks isn't all that bad. (Another side note -- An average nitrous tank holds enough NO2 for 10 bursts, then it needs to be refilled. cost to refill is about $30) D.) Although you are getting the kit for $100, there are other costs that will incur-- You will most likely have to upgrade to a high flow fuel pump, and you will have to run high octane (93) gas. Other things like a free-flowing exhaust and intake will help keep the engine cool, and therefore should be used. Not sure if you use a high performance chip or not, but if you do you will have to remove it before using nitrous (advanced timing could cause early NO2 detonation)

All things considered, I would do it in a heartbeat if I had your hookup (not just the price hookup, but also the trust worthy mechanic for the installation) Just think about the look on some mustang driver's face when you dust him off the line! On the other hand though, NO2 will lend NO BENEFIT whatsoever on the trail... But i would still do it :-)
I'm in for the trip to see it if you do! [addsig]


You know I'm gonna have to go with Tug on this. Don't put it on there. I'm just as much of a muscle car lover as you guys are. My dad just got rid of his Honda S2000. Car really kicked. But if your going to boost power do it naturally. Your only going to destroy the engine. I wouldn't even put it on a muscle car. But that's just me. I prefer the raw power from bigger headers and such. Hey it's your Jeep though not ,mine.

If you could get big power from exhaust and other "natural mods" then i would say skip the NO2, but there is NO MOD for the I-6 that will give 75 hp (except the $3000 supercharger). A cat back exhaust is good for 5, add a header to that and maybe its worth 10. An intake is worth 3-4. Timing advance (chip) is worth 5... Nothing will give your jeep the kick in the a$$ that NO2 will.. Imagine sitting at a light in your pop's S2000 and a big old jeep pulls up covered in mud, revs his engine, and blows your doors off at the green... Now that is cool. [addsig]

no... not a good idea... first of all... you'll be wasting precious cargo space... then... its all top end... our motors are not the best for high rev... then... if you expect to beat musclecars and sportscars off the line, you'll need some tires that will hook up with the road, and if you have a Jeep, you BETTER have something that hooks up with the mud, not the road... but if you do try it.. you'll have some 31" drag slicks in no time...

On to the Musclecar in me... STILL A NO GO... there are two guys in our musclecar club that used n2o, and they are both now regretting it.... one used it ONE TIME... snapped off his output shaft of the transmission, twisted his driveshaft, and sent metal shards through his diff cover... the other one ended up sending engine parts stuck into the inside of his hood... I have never been a fan of it, and never will be a fan of it... of course it can be done right... but there are WAY too many complications to use it... We just supercharged a 94 camaro for a FULL TIME 175HP gain... no refilling a bottle, no 10 second max boost, no extra cargo space used up... n2o IS effective for racing, but to me, is a last resort AFTER all other means of modifications have been done

But.. if you do go for it... you are right, go for the wet system... its much safer that way, requires MUCH less work, and is completely reversable. this wet system can be done two ways.... you can actually spray the n2o charge into the throttle body so that you are using it for its intended use, which is to supply the added oxygen to the fuel mixture... OR... you can spray it across the inside of your intake tube BEFORE your throttle body to simply COOL the incoming air... of course because the n2o will still be in the incoming air, it will be used as well... it will be used more as a means of cooling than an oxygen charge[addsig]


Nitrous Jeep... flip at the push of a button!
Why would anyone want nitrous on a Jeep?

You're right about the cargo space... i'm not real sure where you would put an N20 tank (just realized i was typing NO2 before... oops) It might fit behind the backseat..
Not sure what you mean when you say "its all top end... our motors are not the best for high rev" and "if you expect to beat musclecars and sportscars off the line, you'll need some tires that will hook up with the road though. (Seems like a contradiction-- it's all top end but you can't hook up off the line?) Nitrous is activated either by a button or a computer throughout the range that you specify-- so there is no reason that a motor would have to rev high to make use of it... If the power band on a camaro is 5000-7000 then you would use it there, if the power band on a jeep is 3000-5000 then you use it there.. As far as beating cars off the line goes, the same principle applies-- You dont have the nitrous engaged at launch so your jeep will take off normally-- extra power is then added after momentum is established. 75 hp is not enough power to break the tires loose excessively at speed..
I think it would be a cool mod-- even if you only leave it on for a couple moths... hell if you're not going to do it i'll buy it! [addsig]

I wasn't going to do it for racing anyone. I was thinking more along the lines of those muddy hill climbs where a little extra power and speed would come in handy. Alot of people around here and the places I go have hill climb competitions straight up the side of a mountain, it would definately help but I don't think I'm gonna do it right now. This jeep has to last me till I can afford another vehicle (which will be another couple of years). After that, it's gonna be my toy that I won't care if I break anything which I can use for camping and our local rock crawl.[addsig]


I dont think it will work off-road--- ON loose ground the tires would spin instead of help you accelerate. [addsig]

so there is no reason that a motor would have to rev high to make use of it
actually... with the increase in oxygen in the fuel mixture, the amount of gasoline MUST increase accordingly or you will end up with detonation, and will cause damage to the engine... and using such increases will cause the engine to rev faster... spraying the n2o into the mixture alone will raise the rpms... your o2 sensor will detect the added oxygen, decide that the mixture is lean, and add the necessary fuel. so you don't need high revs to use it... but it will cause the engine to rev high...

You dont have the nitrous engaged at launch so your jeep will take off normally-- extra power is then added after momentum is established. 75 hp is not enough power to break the tires loose excessively at speed
well... no, 75 hp is not enough to break them loose enough to keep you spinning at the starting line... and if you "pull up" to a muscle/sports car... you will likely be running a street race, which is usually much less than a sanctioned 1/4 mile run... by the time you even have enough momentum to engage the n2o, you will have already lost the race[addsig]

. and using such increases will cause the engine to rev faster... ..... so you don't need high revs to use it... but it will cause the engine to rev high...

Just because an engine is revving FAST does not necessarily mean that it is revving HIGH... It revs fast because you are accelerating fast, If it reved slow then you would be accelerating slow. When you get to the end of your power band you shift.

and if you "pull up" to a muscle/sports car... you will likely be running a street race, which is usually much less than a sanctioned 1/4 mile run... by the time you even have enough momentum to engage the n2o, you will have already lost the race

Haven't done a lot of racing, huh? Truth is I've seen some pretty long street drag races, and seen some even better races on the highway starting at 60 mph (Where nitrous would be great!)

Regardless, we're getting OT here. He wanted it for offroad use which is not a good idea.. [addsig]


on highway races from a sped start... THAT can be understood... and by "rev fast" i meant "fast revolutions", not "rev up fast"[addsig]


Well if you do it I wanna come
and watch you fly I will bring the camera...... :lol: [addsig]