Do you have an Nth degree TJ lift?


New member
I'm looking for someone who's got personal experience with a complete Nth degree lift, either 4.5 or 6" on a TJ, preferably a Rubicon.

Please contact me or post a review and some pictures. Thanks.

company went out of business some time ago, not sure if another person or company purchased the rights and or tooling and pattents.

personally I am not a fan of bent lower arms.
Nth Degree went out of business due to a lot of unfortunate circumstances, but was bought by American Expedition Vehicles (American Expedition Vehicles - Brute Kit, V8 HEMI, Aftermarket Jeep Conversions, Suspension Systems, Products, Wheels, Accessories and Highline Kits for Jeeps (TJ, JK, WK, XK).) who continues to produce, sell and support this system.

I had the complete Nth Degree 6" Long Arm Gyro Joint Suspension System installed on my 2003 Rubicon in early 2007. I have heard comments from others that the system is overly complicated, too many parts, too expensive, yada, yada, yada. Truth is I have been completely, unequivocally stoked with both the on and off road function and handling of this system.

A couple of things first...(1) Anything I say to the positive can obviously be countered by anyone wishing to do so, and (2) I did my lift before LCG lifts were really in the mainstream so didn't really think about going that way. Today I would have to sit down and look hard at both ways of going for clearance.

I don't have any seat time in other rigs with other systems so my only comparisons can be made from what I see of how my rig performs compared to someone else's. Here's my bottom line...there are a few people out here that have the knowledge and skills to piece together a completely custom suspension system that can outperform my Nth Degree. However, I've yet to run up against another rig with a brand name system from a major company that I can't at least hang with, if not outperform. If there is a deciding factor it will be that my rig has more capability than I do driving skills.

The Nth Degree is a "complete" system. When considering costs, look at the whole picture and what you are getting. Skids, stinger, sliders, tummy tucker, [FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]4130 ‘Chromoly' tubes vs DOM tubing, etc., etc. Also, the designer of this system, Jim Frens was a Chrysler suspension design engineer for Jeep Wranglers and had an intimate knowledge of what the factory short-comings were.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]Is it the "best" system available? No, but then again unless you can really put together your own custom system to address all the unique variables involved, there is no "best" system available on the market today.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]Would I purchase an Nth Degree system again? Yep, in a heartbeat.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]Want to know more from some guys that install more of these than just about any other shop in the country? Contact Quinn at All J Products in Big Bear, Ca. (All J Products - Aftermarket Jeep Products, Boulder Bars, Bumpers, Jeep Lift Kits, Skid Plates and MORE!).[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]Some before and after shots...Nth Degree Lift Installed! pictures from off roading photos on webshots


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