That's what credit cards are good for. You simply contest the charge and the CC company gets your money back (if you are legit in your complaint). I've done it a couple of times here recently for similiar situations. I pay for everything ordered through the mail with a CC. If you get it and it's junk, contest the charge (if the vendor won't take the product back), if they don't ever send it, contest the charge. I have even had orders that I cancelled, the stuff shipped anyway (several days after I cancelled the order), and then they wanted me to shell out $20 to ship it back to them. Guess what? Contested the charge, and the vendor got it taken care of. The Credit Card company will check your story out (I had written coreespondance with vendors in the above situations that I saved in my email for exactly this reason, which I turned over to the CC company, and then the vendor can't do much, cause I proved they were in the wrong). Just for future reference. Good luck getting your money back.