
Got this from a friend in email today, just had to pass it on! Sorry for those that have already seen it.

She got the house and the truck in the divorce settlement....he delivered the truck today:



Dadburnit! Can one of the mods move this to the General section? Didn't realize I was posting in the Tech section.
RE: Help me pick a front bumper...

Joopin said:
moved the topic for ya,

That takes BALLS!

Thanks, bud!!! Sorry for getting it started in the wrong place. I guess I had just finished reading a post over there when I decided to open this one.

There's another pic in the series of the truck inside the house where you can see that patch of turf he plowed out of the front yard laying under the truck on the carpet. From the looks of the inside, I don't think anyone was living there.....man, that'd be a rude awakening!! Something like that happens about once a month in Wichita....I've pulled more than one drunk out of his vehicle inside a home in my years on EMS!
RE: Help me pick a front bumper...

Whew! I thought you were gonna say YOU were getting a divorce. Don't scare me like that.

BTW funny pic.