diff vent tube////tj dana 35

a length of tubing and a coupler.. or just a longer length of tubing from the vent hole
Yup it is ez as that! Just crawl up in under there and yank the old off, cut a piece off to take tothe local parts store and buy what you need put the longer one in its place and then route it to the highest point you can feel good about! tug
I'm gonna be doing the same thing for my d44, where is a good place to route this thing? I was thinking up inside the jeep...

You can avoid having to run 12 feet of the tubing by running the stock vent tube straight up and into another larger tube mounted pointing down. The vent tube has to be able to slide easily into the larger tube for air to get in. Make sure the top of the larger tube is sealed.

Now the vent tube is protected from drawing in water by the larger tube covering it, unless you are on your side in about 3' of muck.

Am I making myself clear as mud?
hehehe its pretty long allready it come up to the engine bay right behind the head of the engine get urself a piece of hose thats like 3 feet and cut it in half and put like a foot and a half to the front into the cab at that little grommet thing thats next to your steering column u nless u fill up the inside with water its gunna b fine
i did mine like that and havent had a problem yet