Dec 14th Ride at Paragon-Dingus Kicks some A


New member

Well, I finally got Dingus and his XJ up to Paragon. I must say, the trails were a lot tougher then I thought they would be. Being in north east Pennsy, the stocker trails were nothing but sheet ice. Even so, I had the best time up there yet. I must say, Dingus's XJ (and Dingus) turned out to be the suprise of the day. Not only was he the only newbie up there, but he also went on street tires !!!!! With all of that against him, as well as steep climbs, descents and rut filled trails (covered with about 3" of ice and water) Dingus and his XJ preformed flawlessly. My hat off to you sir !!!!!!! My, day ? Well that's a different story. I did pretty well on my bald wrangler stockers, but got stuck on a hill once (had to be pulled about a third of the way up) and not more than 5 minutes later, managed to get a stump pushed right through the side wall of one of my outstanding street slicks. Oh well, at least now I can have that as an excuse to start on the lift. Even so, I had a great day (as well as can be expected of a 33rd Birthday), and can't wait to get back up (with decent tires) and make that hill !!!!!! Got plenty of pics, and will let you know when they're posted Rob


I was thinking about that trip all day, I think that is why I posted the Holiday blues earlier. Glad you had a trip and made it home to tell us all about it. Smoke and Dingus on the loose, Dude I wish I could have been pulled over a hill or tow myself. Wreath going on tomorow with a banner that reads For My PA Friends Merry Xmas. Can't wait to see the pics! Later Tug[addsig]

wow i'm a little flattered.. i can understand that people were a little nervous about having a newbie at the whopping age of 18 on a sheet of ice with other people's jeeps just a few yards away. but i made out pretty well, did a lot less sliding than other people out there... i've been telling everyone that my years of mountain biking have finally paid off. paragon is a very technical place to go jeepin'... you've gotta be SMART and have FINESSE... knowing when to gas and break as well as picking the right line are very essential to not breaking things or getting stuck... (ahem rob)

rob even mentioned to me that i had the approval of the group we were with to go again some time (which is a high honor according to rob; he said these people are very picky about who they ride with)

paragon is the place to go! what an awesome setup up there! i'm stilled hyped up with adrenaline even after sleeping for 8 hours and all i'm thinkin' about is how much fun it was. well worth the money and the trip.
gas mileage? 15 miles on 4.5 gallons...
figure that one out... that's what crankin' through the park in 4wd low (which is what i ended up using for the first time since getting the jeep) in first gear will do to your mileage. i had so much adrenaline going through me throughout the day my hands wouldn't stay still, they just shook! oh well... i have about 100 pictures plus a few videos on my girlfriend's digicam i'll be getting up soon!

(thanks for draggin' me up there rob, and happy birthday!)

take it easy everyone,


Didn't mean I drug you up there Ding (in fact it seems like the only one being drug was me lol) The drivers up there said you were a natural, and welcome to ride with them anytime. We get alot of kids who are just interested in tearing the place up, and not listening to the spotters. You handled your XJ flawlessly, and on a day like yesterday, that's no small feat. I can't wait untill we all get together again.....plans are in the works. Any one else is welcom as well Rob



is it wasn't so far away, i'd ride w/ u guys, i hear it was good


Hey Ding, don't mention the fact that I stuck my front pumpkin on a rock and had to stop while climbing that hill lol If memory serves me, that rock wasn't there when you went up LMAO Rob

yeah, i'm sure my lift helped out a LOT... a stock suspension-ed cherokee would've been tough to maneuver like that.

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Hey Ding, don't mention the fact that I stuck my front pumpkin on a rock and had to stop while climbing that hill lol If memory serves me, that rock wasn't there when you went up LMAO Rob </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

well, if i had gone first, i woulda just avoided the HUGE BOULDER
haha... do'nt sweat it rob, i knocked my front pumpkin on a few things myself... just ask my passengers! lol



It's all in fun my man, I'm glad you had a good my lift in order, thanx to Raven and next month it's time for a rematch lol "If ya can't take the heat, then get a Jeep....heater never works" lol Rob