Dana 30 U-joints


Has abybody replaced their Dana 30 U-joints? I have just discovered mine are really worn out. How difficult is this task?

Very easy task. I've done them on the trail before. As long as you have decent knowledge of suspension and driveline. If you have the large u joint axles. Only use the spicer 5-760x u joint. It's extremely strong and well built. I used to change mine almost every trip. Since I switched to them. I haven't touched them in 2 yrs.
Very easy task. I've done them on the trail before. As long as you have decent knowledge of suspension and driveline. If you have the large u joint axles. Only use the spicer 5-760x u joint. It's extremely strong and well built. I used to change mine almost every trip. Since I switched to them. I haven't touched them in 2 yrs.

They currently are spicer U-joints but how do I know if they are the large u-joint axles by just looking at them?
Yes those are the smaller joints, you can get some shafts for a 94-95 wrangler and have the larger joint without changing anything else. Or you can use the shafts for a 97 and up TJ, you will have to make some mode for the long side to work, but its worth it.


Yes those are the smaller joints, you can get some shafts for a 94-95 wrangler and have the larger joint without changing anything else. Or you can use the shafts for a 97 and up TJ, you will have to make some mode for the long side to work, but its worth it.


Thanks James. I don't have the extra $$$ for new shafts but might look in to it in the future. I'm still in the process of fixing all the previous owners half assed work. I've never seen so many cross threaded bolts or bad welds in one place in my life. For instance he made his own windshield brackets and welded the torx head.
Thanks again for the help
Ok well I'm about to place the order for the u-joints.

But I have another quick question this time about the Dana 35. I have a small rear axle seal leak on the passenger side. I was going to get a new seal but was wondering if I should replace the whole bearing as well. And if I'm replacing the passenger side should I replace the drives side while everything is torn apart?
Yes you should replace the bearing too. Most likely if the seal is leaking, The bearing being worn caused it. As far as replaceing the other side. It's a good idea to do it but if it's not leaking, Keep an eye on it. It won't be long before it goes too.