crack on the frame

josue estrada

New member
i was changing the fuel filter when i discovered that the frame has a crack that goes vertically right by where the fuel filter goes. Is it hard to fix this? or am I going to have to get a whole new frame

how big is the crack ?
if it's not to big you could drill a hole on both ends to stop it from spreading,
and run a weld across it than weld a small patch over the entire section for more strength, probably be easier if you post a pict so others may chime in too
its the length of the frame itself going vertical. I will post a picture of it tomorrow morning. Well I drove home from work today and more bad news hitting my way. The jeep starting puffing. No smoke but i smelled a distinct gasoline smell and then right after a smell kind of like something was burning. I parked the jeep and the engine was reving up and down. It would do it every 3 to 4 seconds. the fan would turn on too. the whole machine would just go up and then back down. up to 2000rpm and then down to less than 1500 to the point where it sounded like it was about to turn off. mean while the exhaust was constantly puffing. So i did the diagnostic test on it myself with the old switch of the key and found out through the codes that it was 33 (an open or shortened condition detected in the A/C clutch relay circuit. what is that? and how can i fix it? It also showed 62 ( unsuccessful attempt to update SRI miles in the pcm) not sure if that matters. any hints ? I really thought it would showed a bad injector. I listened for vacuum leaks but couldnt hear anything. Tomorrow im gonna get the carb cleaner and see if i can hit any.
heres the picture of the from and then underneath the frame from the other side of it by the fuel filter


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you could cut that piece out and weld a new section of 1/4in steel in. also I know they make weldable sections of frame. I dunno if it's for your model or not though
Thats not a crack, thats rust rot from the inside out. If the top of the frame is ok,(which im guessing it is) I would cut out the sides and bottom of the frame rails and reweld new peices of steel in. Can you weld? It can be fixed fairly easy, its a small area. If you cant weld and have to take it to a welding shop, just as a price comparison for you,... My brother had to have his yj frame welded from the back tire all the way to the back bumper on both sides of the jeep. It cost him 500.00 to have it done. He can weld too but didnt trust himself, but once he got it back he said I could have done that. yours is a much smaller area and should cost nowhere near that. As for the A/C code, your ac compressor clutch may be locking up, the one on my car is locked up now. Turn the ac off and see if it still does it.

I need assistance with this jeep. Its not showing any signs for a faulty injector. I tried looking for vacuum leaks and found none. it smells rich of gasonline. And when I drove it it hesitates to accelerate and then puffs out. Its throwing some fumes from the exhaust and rpm going up and down on neutral. but it definately smells like gasoline like no other. where should i start?
Have you looked at your spark plugs yet? If there is a few fouled out it wont burn all the fuel and the unburned fuel will be blown right out the exhaust and smell to high heaven. I would start there and look for vac leaks again, vac leaks are not the easiest to find. Look for brittle and cracked lines too.

what year is it again? it sounds like you have a throttle position sensor that needs adjustment or replacement or something like that or maybe an idle air controller. a hunting idle is what that is called, the reving up and down like that on its own.

on carbs, its from to large of main jets, if i remember right
its a 95. this happened a while back in winter or closer to the beginning of the year and the idle air control was changed. we had also changed a bad fuel injector which was the problem last time, except this time im not getting the signal that i have a faulty injector.
Frame: Wow! From what I see that's pretty nasty. The level of rust rot to me is pretty huge. You show just 2 pics, i would guess theirs got to be more bad areas, "or their soon will be" right behind those. As mentioned, clean up the areas, weld and reinforce with some plate for now, but if it were mine I'd be locating a frame ASAP. Without the welding, I wouldn't drive it at all, let alone wheel it. Granted we don't see that kind of (rust) damage in Calif, so maybe I'm over reacting?