Could someone expain this whole "God" thing to me?


New member
This so called God took the best friend Ive ever known away from us lastnight. He was a racecar driver. He raced latemodels on dirt tracks. He got pushed off the track by another car and hit a skidder (kind of like a front end loader) and it killed him instantly. Now why would such a great God take the life of such a wonderful, kind, loving young man? He was only 27 years old, he still had his whole life to live. He was like a brother to me. He was the type person that never met a stranger, always had a smile on his face and no matter how bad you felt he could cheer you up within minutes. This God lets murderers, rapist, terrorist, child molestors and many other ppl that could careless about life, others and their own, live free everyday. I now have a hole in my heart that can never be filled. Keith was like a brother to me. I havent been able to sleep because I cant stop crying. I feel like part of me died in that car lastnight. He will live forever in my heart and in my memories. I hope you all dont think im here looking for attention or anything im just needing to get some shit off my chest.

Keith, you will forever be a part of me, my life, my dreams, my memories R.I.P Love you buddy

"God" yeah right

here is a link to the tracks website that we raced at. I will be emailing them some pics of keith and his car later so they can post them

4.2 / 4.0 head swap - Hope somebody can set me straight!

I'm really sorry to hear that. Its all part of gods plan, might not be a good plan, but its his. Sorry.
thats a teerrible loss bro, i cant really say much about the god thing as ive fallen away from religion after pondering the same things you are, soemtimes it just seems like if there is such a god that such evil would be limited in the world today, like the bible storys where people were smote down within a time period of their evils, but maybe its all building towards something, who knows and once again i hope you find a way to cope with your loss
My heart goes out to you. I've asked that question many, many times in my life. I lost my best friend to cancer last year. He was my father. Greatest man that ever lived. It's important that you get your feelings and questions out. It's even ok to be angry at God for taking someone from you. The most important thing to know and understand, is that God's plans are His, and His will is His. Not ours. I learned a lot from my dad about God, and His plans, over the course of a few years, and even in Dad's last days on this earth. He told me not to be angry with God for taking him, as God's army of Angels needed more help. God has plans for everyone. Some people are best to be used by God on earth, others are best used in Heaven. Think about what your friend has done for you in his time on earth. Those were God's plans for him. Now, think about what a great person your friend was, and think about how God will be able to use that person in Heaven as an Angel. It will never make full sense to us left behind when God takes a great person from us. "Perfect knowledge comes with Death's release." Understand that? When we leave this mortal life and pass into Heaven, all answers, all knowledge will be ours. That is when we will fully understand God's will without confusion, anger, sadness. Do not give up on God because he took your friend. Instead, you should be closer to God, knowing that with your friend's help, they are preparing a better place for you in God's Kingdom.

I know these words won't help much right now, but in time, they will be more comforting, once the pain of the loss isn't quite so bad. That pain will stay with you for as long as you remember your friend, but it's very important that you keep his memory alive. Doing that will keep him alive in your heart. What would your friend want you to do in this instance? Be angry and unforgiving? From the way you describe him, I doubt it. I think he'd want you to carry on, be strong, be there for the rest of his friends and give them comfort. Do that as soon as possible, gather together with his other friends, people he has touched the way he touched you, and talk about him. That is great therapy. Don't throw away a single moment of your life by hanging onto the anger you have now. Get it out, talk about it (as you have just done), and try your best to work through it. This is a hard thing to do, and unfortunately, I'm sure it won't be the last time you have to do it. I have lost 7 good friends in just that last 6 months. It doesn't make the pain any less, just easier to handle if you talk about it honestly and openly.

I'll pray for you and all of his friends, and hope that you can one day find peace with God's plan. He does what He does for a reason, trust me.
Hes not bashing God, simply doing what many of us do, myself included, when we lose a loved one. We are told that we are God's children, and yes it may be part of a big, greater plan, but after witnessing many of my loved ones rot away because of cancer and other diseases, I have felt similar feelings. If we are God's children, they why do good people die of diseases like cancer, alzheimers and other debilitating diseases?

I refuse to believe in religion crap. I have never had any reason to belive in some "god." I was of course forced to go to Catholic church when I was a kid, but when I got old enough to start thinking for myself, I gave up on it. It is a bunch of bull. If there really is a "god," he would not let this bad stuff happen. This is something I feel very stongly about and never will change my ways on that.
This is something I feel very stongly about and never will change my ways on that.
bryan, 'bout the only thing i can advise is never say never 'bout anything. life is a long, hard struggle and personal knowledge changes daily. there is nothing more dangerous or debilitating than a closed mind. this was a very tragic incident, but at least he died doing something he loved. i can only hope that when it's my time, i'll go similarly. beats the hell out of rottin' away in some nursing home. as for me, i have a very strong faith in God, but i won't attempt to espouse my views here - it's a personal thing and something you have to discover yourself. God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is "no".
bryanjeep said:
I refuse to believe in religion crap. I have never had any reason to belive in some "god." I was of course forced to go to Catholic church when I was a kid, but when I got old enough to start thinking for myself, I gave up on it. It is a bunch of bull. If there really is a "god," he would not let this bad stuff happen. This is something I feel very stongly about and never will change my ways on that.

That's a shame. I felt the same way from the time I was 18 until I matured from an ignorant child to a thinking adult. Kids all think they know everything, and that they are always right. I had some life-changing events that made me rethink my childish ignorance. I won't force my view of religion on you, nor will I bash you and speak down to anyone who has a different view than mine. I do hope you "see the light" and find the real meaning you feel the way you do. You may stay that way for the rest of your life, and if you do, fine. Just don't try to slap those of us who know God in a very real and personal way for our beliefs. I can't see how your post had anything positive to add to this discussion, nor do anything to help the OP in his time of sorrow. That part I will bash you for. What you posted was self-serving, ignorant, and disrespectful to the OP. If you can't say something to help, please don't say anything at all.
instead of playing trial and error

I'm sorry about what happened and how you feel about God. I hope that your friend is now in a much better place.

People die, that's just what happens. If they didn't, think of how many billions and billions more people would be here today. It would be a mess, people would be starving and things would be misserable (among many other problems). You can't say that only old people should be the ones who die either. They have friends and family that care about them as well.

I will keep your friend, you, and all who are involved in my prayers.
Just because you believe in this "GOD" it doesn't mean that I am ignorant and immature. It was not that I was trying to bring anything negative or positive to the discussion. I was answering what "this whole god thing" means to me. By the way, thanks for calling me ignorant. I am happy to call you ignorant to my views also. So I Will say whatever I want to say. :mrgreen:

I also believe what you said is pretty ignorant. You don't have to thank me for saying it though.
I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They are greatly apreciated. When I posted this it wasnt my intent to spark up a religious debate of any kind. Again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Just hope you feel better, man. It's very painful - we've all been there and will be there again. Some questions have no answers. but love never dies - keep the faith if it's only the faith in your lost brother.
Peace to you,

Well I took the time to type a good long post with some country boy thoughts on the question and very thoughtfully poured out my soul to you and the otheres here. Then I deleted the post after posting my long winded speach. In a nut shell God is the only one who can answer why God does stuff! You are in Tug's prayers for the pain you feel, as is the family for their loss. Death suck's but we all face it some time or another. tug
xxjas12xx said:
Now why would such a great God take the life of such a wonderful, kind, loving young man? He was only 27 years old, he still had his whole life to live. He was like a brother to me. He was the type person that never met a stranger, always had a smile on his face and no matter how bad you felt he could cheer you up within minutes. This God lets murderers, rapist, terrorist, child molestors and many other ppl that could careless about life, others and their own, live free everyday.

"God needs fresh flowers in his garden too...."

- quoted from L33TJ33P -

God doesnt control us. God hasnt written the future, he just knows what is coming. God gave us the choice of life after death. We have the choice to do whatever we want. To follow God or not. He has a plan for you but it is your choice to follow him or go your own way.

I am truely sorry about your friend. Death is never an easy thing to deal with. I will pray for you and his friends. God bless.....

Re: Could someone expain this whole "God" thing to

In a nut shell God is the only one who can answer why God does stuff!
Spoken eloquently as only a country boy can.