
New member

Ok guys thanks for all the info. Seems my gauge or the sensor in the head is fried. I bought a new sensor today $7.95 Auto Zone and a new 195 degree stat. I cleaned up my work truck this afternoon and threw the sensor away. O well its in my trash can at the office, Ill get it tomorrow. But none the less I did put the stat in and cranked it up. Idling im my driveway for about 10 to 15 minutes with A/C on the stat would not get hot enough to open and circulate the water. So I looked at my gauge and it read 210. Now then how can it be 210 when the 195 degree stat hasen't even opened. Well I drove it for about 45 min and when I stopped at a light it got up to 212 and the second I took off it went back to 210 and never moved. So tomorrow im getting a manual gauge and put it in. All in all I think my Jeep never was over heating. Morgster you were right about the sensor thing and I myself really appreciate guys like you and the others that responded to my post. Now its fun to drive the ol Jeep again. :) [addsig]


Well I am glad to hear everything is working out
for the best.....Wahoooooooooo..... :-D :-D [addsig]

It always sucks when you develope a problem with Your Jeep, however, it makes you a better mechanic/Jeeper when you find and fix the problem.

One thing to always remember though, never underestimate the simple things. Best way to diagnose a problem is to start with the simplest, easiest, and the cheapest things first. They are usually the culpret. I just replaced my starter solenoid when at first I thought the starter went bad, but after checking the easy things first, (solenoid) I found that it only cost me about $10.00, instead of $50.00.

I have a manual guage in my Jeep, and I like it better than the electrical one.[addsig]