constructive criticism wanted: my new website...


Active member

well, i got sick of the wysiwyg program i was using earlier, and i switched my website over to FrontPage (html)... i added more pictures, wrote a few more tech articles, and published it to the same spot.

the site is at

everyone check it out and let me know what you think...

and for those who have the time/fast connections... the videos are highly recommended!

edited by: dingus, Apr 08, 2003 - 06:10 PM[addsig]


You did an excellent job, Nate. Man that's nice.

Wish I knew how to do that.


kool beans , looks great nate. could tell you put alot of effort and time in the site . hope you keep adding to the site as i will check back often........odax :cool: [addsig]

that looks nice man. maybe some labels on some of the pics would be nice? i knew what most of them were from due to your previous posts of them (ie tow hook, CB etc) but others may not? just a thought[addsig]


ok thanks guys! i added descriptions to all those pictures...[addsig]
1063667 hehehe it looks real good. Did it not start out as a school project? Keep adding stuff and haven fun! Tug[addsig]


Good site Dingus! I liked the article on your lift. Sounds like almost everyone has run into a job like that before! At first it looks easy and then turns into a nightmare and then turns out all OK. [addsig]

well, i got sick of the wysiwyg program i was using earlier, and i switched my website over to FrontPage (html)...

FrontPage is STILL wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get for all the ppl that dont know). Come on man wysiwygs are LAME! I started out making pages in NOTEPAD and I still do. Granted frontpage has some cool stuff...but full html and some java knowledge will go a LONG way. PHP is nice too (thats what jeepz uses) but its server side only unforunantly. I have done some very cool things with PHP.

But anyways the site looks good...sorry I had to rag on ya man hehe but I just hate WYSIWYG programs with a passion...its like cooking....making stuff from a box vs. from scratch.[addsig]

I just hate WYSIWYG programs with a passion...its like cooking....making stuff from a box vs. from scratch.

I agree with you 100%. I learned how to make pages in notepad 4 years ago and I have been doing so ever since. It gives you a sense of accomplishment(sp?) to be able to code for hours and then see a beautiful website as the fruits of your labor



yeah, i mean... i know frontpage is wysiwyg, but the other stuff i was using was much worse. frontpage is easier to make a decently layed-out site with... this other program (net objects fusion) was pretty crappy. i can do HTML in notepad, but it just takes so long... i don't like doing it![addsig]


Hey dingus,nice site.Some of those videos were pretty cool.Keep up the good work. :wink: Sully[addsig]


Dingus, one question. In the photo of your CB, there is this mess of wires on the pass. side floor. Please tell me that is spare wire and not what the CB is wired with! Thats a good way to start a little camp dire in a XJ


haha, yeah... that was the big nest of wires i had in there when i was in the process of wiring my alarm (which i gave up on and sold eventually)
