Computer Problems


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Hummer H2 Accident

Okay, so when trying to install new programs on my computer, I get this message:

"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occure if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnell for assistance."

Any computer people out there know how to check if this Windows Installer is correctly installed? And if so, how do you get it to install correctly?


Re: RE: Jeep Compass ?

try un-installing it then re-install. That has worked for me in the past....but my experiance with computers is like having me land a 747 :?
RE: Re: RE: Jeep Unlimited on the Rubicon Trail

Okay, thanks. I actually just started to uninstall it. I'll see if that will work and report back!
What is your "stupidest" or "worst" stuc

What operating system are ya running, 88? Maybe you need to do a "CAD" and run the basics to install properly. I have had to do that a few times to install. I can help ya if it is Windows 98 (my work computer), but if it is, say like Windows XP (my laptop), then I could learn right along with ya for the proper 'CAD". Time to call in the high rollers for XP. Maybe Mingez could steer in the proper direction? LBR

It is Windows XP on this computer (laptop).

I have uninstalled the windows installer thing and I'm now about to re-install it from the Microsoft web-site.

So what is this CAD thing? Sorry, I don't know much about this sort of stuff...
RE: Off-Topic Poll

I know just enough to be dangerous 88... CAD is "Control, Alt, Delete" buttons all at the same time. This shows you all of the crap that can interfere with your program downloads. You need to CAD and close out each "task" that is not necessary for the basic computer shell operation. We need a computer guru to verify what the bare necessities (kinda like your safe mode in a way) are for operation on the XP platform (on the 98 platform all you need is "explorer" and "systray"). Some don't close out the first time 'cause they are a dependent on another that needs to be closed out, but keep after them and get to the bare basics. On my laptop XP platform, I have 47 "tasks" running and am not sure which few to leave running for a clean download. If we don't have someone on Jeepz that can answer this, I can find out from my expert source locally. LBR
okay, I know what your talking about. I was just not connecting the "CAD" with the "control, alt, delete"!!

I myself have about 55 things running. I've tried closing stuff before, but always ended up closing something that needed to stay open and eventually giving up!! So ya, hopefully someone here can help us out!!

So do you think that is what would cause that message to come up?

Right now I'm reinstalling the Windows Service Pack causeI was having trouble with it's updates. But, I'm not sure if that's connected my installation problem at all...

I've had numerous probs with downloads on the 98 platform, then closed out all but the basic 2 as mentioned above, and was able to download 100% perfectly. There is definately something to all the crap interfering with the download..... Help o mighty guru!! LBR
okay, well thank you for the help!! I would never have even though to look there and close all that stuff (at least not in relation to having installation trouble).

Man, us Oregonians need to get a life!! I didn't realize it was this late...I've been working on this since about 7:00

RE: Question for those of you who know about welders

SonicJay, on the MichiganJeepers website is in IT, he'd probably be able to help ya, but unfortunately, the site is finally getting it's long-awaited maintanance... I am afraid I have let myself become horribly lax in my windows troubleshooting, as I have not had any major software-related issues since I installed XP...

That being said, I still have a couple tricks up my sleeve...

1. Shut down and restart Windows Explorer... CAD, and end the task Explorer.exe, under the Processes tab. Restart it by going to File> New Task: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe. Make sure you type that all in, if you just click the windows directory right there that pops up, you'll be in the wrong one, because it defaults to documents and settings...

2. Open Windows in safe mode. You do this by hitting F8 in the load... Don't remember exactly at what time you hit it, just start pushing it after it does the memory test, I want to say you get the option screen right when the Windows XP loading screen comes up.

3. Start closing processes, if you get one that crashes out the system, write it down, and don't close that one next time... I know you need Explorer.exe to access anything...

4. I'm going to e-mail this post link to my buddy Luke. He works Madison Heights IT... I'll ask him to post any help in my Live Journal... It's linked in my sig, it'll be the comment to the most recent entry (comments are found at the bottom of the entry)... He will hopefully get to it sometime after 8:00 Eastern Time... Hopefully, he can help ya more than I can.
Well all I did was Un-install the "Windows service pack 2", then re-install it and everything works much better now!!