Cleaning Soft Top

Elbow grease and 409 and a Hard bristled Brush.

409 is an Option, I don't think it would hurt anything but it could.

I have found the best time to get out there and scrub it is first thing in the morning while there is Dew still on it. This means everything is wet and loose.
A stiff brush and mild soap are the safest way to go. They make products specifically for cleaning soft tops also. Just avoid the high pressure washer and belt sander technique... :wink:

I was color waxing (black wax) my YJ, I got kind of sloppy and waxed a bit of the soft top. After a test patch, I decided why not. The black wax on the soft top, sure makes cleanup a snap. Try a test patch, my side curtains were a different material and the wax didn´t work well.