Clean Up


New member
Well, im working on cleaning up the frame and the body. I plan on cleaning up the frame/transfercase/transmission/axels and slabbing some por-15 on them. Im having a hell of time gettin that blasted grease/dirt crap off of everything. I've used some degresser, works well but still a lot left. I've resorted to scraping and scrubing, but at the rate im going its gonna take at least a week. I was thinking . . . as i was spraying the degreaser off . . . why dont i just bring the pressure washer to this puppy. Any objections to this idea???

Body Preporations. . . .

Nope just wear some old clothes that you aren't worried about getting messed up...:)
Go to the rental store and get your self a Steam Jenny. pressure wash with steam and watch your messy troubles melt away. hehehehe Tug
When I wanted to undercoat my YJ I had so much crap under there I never thought I would get it all out. I soaked the whole underside in degreaser and ran a couple of sprinklers under the jeep full blast for two whole days. It cleaned out almost all of the sand and dirt except for the heavy grease. For that, I used a pressure washer and it worked great.

Apparently my father doesnt have a pressure washer, i swear he did . . . o well. So im scraping away at the grease/dirt combo the jeeps got going on for paint, looks to me no one has ever thought to take the body off and clean up the frame during the 40 years its been around , sad sad sad. This leads me to a question . . i was scraping along the back axel, almost near the brake drum and i scraped away some greasy/dirt combo. and there were 4 numbers from what i could see. Looked to me like they were 2297 , any ideas what these numbers mean???
Good luck getting all that off. Tug has the right idea, a steam pressure washer. I used that on my "new to me" tub when I bought it and all the crap came off really easy. Of course the guy I bought the tub from had one and let me use it before carting it off. Works wonders, is very quick, but you will get dirty! As for the numbers, I'm sure someone will be able to tell you, I can't.