CJ5 tub on CJ7 chassis


New member
Have any of you put a CJ5 tub on a CJ7 chassis to create a long wheelbase CJ5?

I figure it might be done by positioning the rear wheel wells over the rear tires, thus providing more room up front for tire/fender clearance. Im not sure how it would look but Im putting out the idea for your comments.

Thanks for your input!:D

If you lined up the rear wells to the wheels then the front you could chop the roll down on the fenders and do the flat tube fenders on it. That would look slick. The steering column would be a different story LOL
Im not no artist but this is a idea of what im trying to say if you place tub over rear wheels wouldnt the nose be to short to cover eng compartment sorta like this since cj5 tub is shorter than cj7 frame
Im not no artist but this is a idea of what im trying to say if you place tub over rear wheels wouldnt the nose be to short to cover eng compartment sorta like this since cj5 tub is shorter than cj7 frame

Good thought, maybe going the other way and chopping the BACK wells straight would be better. OR better yet, SELL the 5 tub and buy a 7 tub.:lol:
If I was bent on doing this, I would position the front end where it should be. Then I would stretch the rear like a CJ6.

If you stretched the front, you'd have enough room to fit in a ridiculous straight eight. That would be interesting.