CJ/YJ Heater Improvement -- A Novel Idea

good news and bad news

Hello All,

I, like many of you, regularly scan through the tech posts of a few other Jeep-related internet sites. I recently ran across an idea on a Canadian Jeep BB for improving the heater performance of CJ and YJ models. I thought that idea might be worth sharing.

The essence of that BB post: take one CJ/YJ junk-yard underdash air conditioning unit and do some minor plumbing work to enable engine coolant -- instead of freon -- to circulate through the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is, of course, contained within the underdash A/C unit. The original poster wrote that he connected the Jeep heater core in "series" with the evaporator core (coolant flows sequentially through both cores).

For those unfamiliar with older Jeep A/C-ing, I am talking about this thing:


Supplemental heat and "steerable" heat vents -- one can only dream!

If this setup actually works, it would seem to be a great idea. More heat without the firewall cutting involved with the Blazer heater motor mod (not that one couldn't do both).

What are your opinions of this idea?



That sounds awesome, but nothing is worse than a muggy rainy day in july, when you have to have the top up. More heat is always a plus, but nothing comes between me and my A/C. another thing that i was just thinking, I remember reading that the a/c unit helps the defroster by "drying" the air before it blows onto the windshield. . .
Hello red89YJ,

I agree with you about the value of A/C in a closed vehicle on a hot-muggy day, but my post is not about disabling a perfectly good existing Jeep A/C unit. I wouldn't consider the idea of doing that.

This idea is for CJ/YJ Jeeps which never had A/C or have a failed A/C unit which the Jeep owner is not going to fix.

The purpose of my post was only to present a new and unique (to me, at least) method of adding a supplemental source of interior heating.


Have you seen the mod where the fresh air intake of the heater is blocked, whereas the heater only draws air from inside the jeep, making warm air even warmer.

Hi Bounty,

I am aware of the fresh-air-block heater trick, but I wouldn't do that mod.

Call me an old fuss-budget -- which is appropriate because I am an old fuss-budget -- but I think that mod is dangerous. That is an excellent way to asphyxiate by carbon monoxide a perfectly good Jeep owner.

We had this discussion recently. I know one can put the heater controls of many modern vehicles on "recirculate," but most vehicles produced since the 60's, older SWB Jeeps being an exception, also have flow-through ventilation. (Those funny looking grills in the C-Pillars.)

Beyond that caveat, I won't re-hash that discussion.


looks like a good mod... would one have to get the controls for it as well... i'm sure you could build your own