CJ-7 Stubborn electrical engine-no start Problems


New member
jeep seats

The first problem is that I don't know what year Jeep I have! I bought it semi-restored with a new fiberglass body installed and most everything is disarray. I have spent much time fixing and reconnecting most of the subsystems (brakes, cooling, etc..) but I can't get it to start up. When I first bought it, I would start but now nothing. The engine is a solid 304 with 120+compression. My problem is that I can't follow the standard wiring diagrams since it has a new alternator with internal voltage regulator. It screws me up trying to follow diagrams. I replaced the coil, plugs, ignition module, plugs, wires, cap and rotor. I am about to replace the alternator and distributor! It is also difficult to determine which are the correct replacements parts since I am not sure what year the electical system is trying to imitate. Since the chassis has all wheel drum brakes I feel it is between a 76-78 CJ-7 (I'm guessing 76-77... anyone know how I can tell.

Oh, and I have no VIN number... I have no idea how I will register it once I finish re-building it. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks all... this newbie could really use some help.

well, they only offered the 304 from 76-81 -

there should be a vin number on the firewall on the driver's side, if there isn't (ie, replacement tub) and it's not up by the wiper motor, then you are going to have a hell of a time getting a title... good luck on that one

what kind of transfer case does it have, can you take a picture of the transmission and transfer case and we should be able to get you closer to a model year.

Been working on it all day and I actually found the VIN number!!! The placard was transposed over to the new glass body but was painted over and difficult to see. Appearantly I have a '75 jeep according to the vin.

I also found a website, http://www.specialtyparts.com/vins/72yr80allvin.htm, that says the CJ-7 could have had a 304 in '75. I have heard and seen all sorts of information so I don't know what to believe anymore. I have just about given up on the electrical problem and am going to talk to a garage tomorrow to help me figure it out. I am just stuck since I have a motorcraft alternator (internal volatage reg) and am trying to follow a wiring diagram for something completely different. Oh well... at least I tried.
Found it!

My VIN number is J5F93EH072218. Can anyone provide any information on this?


Will it crank? If it will crank you can look into 2 thing gas, and spark. Pull a plug and see if you have spark. If It will not crank check to see if you are getting power to the switch then see if you are getting power to the starter. You can always run a new wire from the key to the starter and not worry about the diagram.

Did you get a title with it? If not I don't think you can licence it anywere. If you do All the info should be on it. If you did not get one the person you bought it form has to get a duplicut title then you can licence it. Even if you have a bill of sale the DMV will not care. They want a title to transfer.
dont even bother going to the DMV to title the jeep with out a title from the old owner. there not going to know what to do and give u the runarounds.
What about buying a parts car Jeep with a title and switching the VIN plates. Not legal... however it might solve the problem.

Also, it does crank and has plenty of gas. I pulled the #1 plug and found a no-spark situation. I have checked all the wiring and bridged or replaced those wires in question. I am not quite sure how to check the distributor or coil or how the alternator w/ internal V.R. wires into a '75 electrical system.

Well You can pull of the Distributer cap and see if It is spinning. If it is not something is messed up. You could hava a bad distributer or a broke timing chain. Check to see if you have power to the coil. Thats about as far as my knowlege goes. Other than that buy a book and go throught it.

Were did you buy it? If the person you bought it from had it registered than you should get a duplicate title application from the DMV and have him sign it then you can get a title. Then he has to sign The title. If he did not register it find the last person that did and see if they will get you a title. If you have a bill of sale they might just sign it over to you.
Aftermarket Shifter?

remember, there are usualy 3 reasions (or combos) of why an engine wont run. no gas, no air, and no spark. it's all a mater of elimination. just cranking with out any combustion is usualy no spark. if it dies out after "running" then no air or no gas...

so i guess i am asking, what happens when you turn the key?
