CJ-7 Soft Top


New member
I have a 1978 CJ-7 with a Best top Super top that has served it's purpose for many years. I have been looking for a while for a used top and finally found one. It's a Best top Sunrider with some of the hardware. It will be a few days before I get home to check everything out but what I was wondering was if the sunrider top will fit on the supertop hardware?

I'm thinking that it would fit on the rear bow and front header however, it being a sunrider top on a supertop frame, i dont think you can take advantage of the sunrider feature of that top. I could be wrong, i dunno.
I think I've been had! First, it didn't have all the hardware, but since it was a best top I figured I could use some mine. Second, after looking it over real good when I got home I found that it's not a best top it's a kayline. None of the windows zip out and the way it attaches to rails is like a best top but not the same. The doors latch different, everything is different and since I don't have all the hardware its useless. Third, I have called the fella over and over with no answer so I guess I'm just up the creek.