Cherokee 1994 XJ Front Axle question

I have just changed the front RH hub bearing in my hunt for a noise up front somewhere but it has not cured the problem. It is speed related and in time with the wheel revolving.
I began to think it was the bearing the end of the axle tube behind the UJ but having looked at some pictures on the net it seems that there is no bearing at this point and that the shaft is only supported by the hub and diff carrier bearings. Is this correct?

Attached are two pictures I downloaded. In one the UJ is very close to the end of the axle tube and in the other there is a gap with a white collar with a grease nipple. Mine has the gap but no collar.
Both pics are supposed to be of a Dana 30.
Can someone please tell me what the collar is and why the difference in the two pics?


  • Dana 30 front axle UJ.jpg
    Dana 30 front axle UJ.jpg
    72.7 KB · Views: 8,308
  • Dana 30 front axle.jpg
    Dana 30 front axle.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 603

First the wheel bearing is inside the hub area where the wheel studs are.

Second the greasable collar is an axel tube seal. Is it possible your two picks are from two different vehicles? One modified?
Some have a non grease type. It is flush with the tube end.

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The first pic is an aftermarket axletube seal designed to keep muck out of the axletube.

Axleshafts are located by the unit bearing and the differential carrier.
Thanks for the info. I think mine must have the flush seal. I was just surprised that there is no bearing at this point.
I am still looking for what is making the noise. I intend to swop some wheels around to see what happens.

U joints can make noise grab the front axel ant try to twist it back and forth. Look if there is any movement in the U joint. There's should be none. You could spray some. Penetrating oil on the cap seal to see of the noise goes away temporarily.


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Can you tell me what a cap seal is and where it lives? I may already know but you have different terminology in the US.
The U-joint has an end cap with a seal. Try to get some oil on the seal in the event it failed. The little bit of oil will temporarily stop the squeeking. Terry had a write up in the past year on u-joint failure and the noise it made.


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I have swopped over the RHS tyres and the problem seems to have gone away. I have not done a long run yet, but locally on smooth roads things seem to be quieter.
I will jack up the back end and check for runout on the rim and tyre.
It is possible that a large local pothole and believe me there are a lot round here, my have damaged something. You just can't miss them all!!
Hello again. This is not a reply but more of an extension to the original. But it is still a noise.

This last week I have been getting a new noise from one of the diffs. I can't work out which one. It only happens when going left round corners like roundabouts (traffic circles I think you guys call them) and at speeds over 15-20mph and it gets louder with speed.

It is in time with a wheel rotating and is like a grumble or chatter. There is no noise at any other time.
I don't know if I have limited slip diffs (do you have them front AND back or only front)?
I am thinking that if they are limited slip then the clutch is groaning and would anything be gained by adding friction modifier to it?

Is there a way to find out if limited slip diffs are fitted? I have been thinking that if it not a groaning clutch, it is sounding expensive.

So before I go rushing out to the shops, has anyone got any suggestions?
What have you done or changed from the first issue?

Rotating issues
Brake dust shield
U joint
Wheel bearing

Noise around corners only
Brake dust shield or bearing. Are most likely. May also be a loose brake pad that is moving.
Check clearance of the brake shield and perform a shake test on the wheel to fund looseness in the bearing.

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Hello again,
Since last time I have been through everything I can think of. There is no play in any ball joints or UJ. I have fitted two new front tyres because in Spain both tyres on each axle must be identical, mine were not. That would be a fail on the test. Smilar is not good enough. That seems to haave cured the original problem.
The new noise going round corners has only just started. It is not a knock or bump but a sound like a grumble or rumble in time to wheel revolutions. Louder when faster, so I am crawling round corners at present.
I have tried to get some friction additive locally and no one seems to have heard of it and no one keeps oil with it already added. I have ordered some from the UK, which will take a week or so to get here.
I will put it in when it comes and see what happens. Meantime I shall drive very quietly because I don't know what might be happening.
It sounds like a bad CV joint or hub to me. That type of issues is usually more prevalent when you go around a corner.
You always want matching size tires all the way around on a 4x4, matching tread/wear is best.