check engine light?


New member
my check engine engine light just came on for the first time the other night when i pulled out my brothers truck. how can i get it turned off and what is wrong with it? can anyone help me?

extremeYJ, what year model engine size ...Give us some more info to work with here
Disconnect the battery for 15 minutes, it will reset your computer. It may not come back on, being a condition you experience only when towing.

To find out what the trouble code is, you can turn the key from off to run 3 times, leaving it on and counting the flashes of the check engine light. There will be a slight pause between each digit in a 2-digit set, and a longer pause between each 2 digit set. Last check code will be 55, that means all codes are finished.

It will ultimately depend on what model year you have. The later the model year, the more advanced the computer system :wink:

Also, any OBD-II vehicle (which may include '95 YJs) you cannot clear the computer by unhooking the battery. You'd need a scanner. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Hmmmmmmmmm That is good to know so you are saying the older Jeeps Ie. 90-up as older or 89-down as older????
Older meaning, say '91 - down. '92 and up had some slightly better computers, and by '95 or '96 all vehicles have the industry standard OBD-II systems :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

i have a 95 w/ the 2.5 and the light comes on about 5 minutes after i start driving.
You most likely have an OBD-II compatible computer. Autozone can pull the codes for you or you can do it with any OBD-II scanner. You Cannot reset an OBD-II computer without a scanner. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: