It is what it is. That circuit is dedicated only to that component. The only 2 reasons im aware of that the circuit will give a DTC 33 when the vehicle is not equipped with the component is that it was used for a different purpose or accesory. You will need to trace out the circuit to see what it's feeding. The other reason is a an internal failure to the module that's pulsing the signal out when there's nothing attached to it thus, gives you a code 33 , open circuit. The wiring out of the PCM that sends the switch sense signal off on a 4.0 liter is light blue, if its a 2.5 liter, there's 2 circuits involved, brown/red and dark blue/ orange. Also, if you have recently checked your fuse box and installed a fuse where there wasn't one before, check to see if that's Fuse #4 that's a 40 amp fuse. This fuse block is only used if the vehicle is equipped with A/C. If you install a fuse on this slot, the PCM will start looking for a clutch relay activation and will give you a DTC if its not found.