

To bigT

and all others;

That is the legal version of a search.

a few things,

1) They are allowed to search "common areas" of the car. this is pretty much anywhere in a jeep. There is no locked trunk. They are allowed to do this for their safety. The reasoning behind it is to check for weapons. In a passanger car, the trunk is off limits w/o a warrant. sence the whole body of a jeep is open (even SUV's where the back is accessible from the cab) they have quite a bit of free reign.

2) Cops do what they want, most cops are good, but there are some bad ones that like to streach the law.

3) A Jeep with a soft top can get you out of a lot of things that can be found in your car. Im not advocating, the transportation of illegal materials, but you can argue in court that anything they find must have been stashed there by someone else. Your windows unzip and there is no way for you to controll access to the interior of your car. (Same philosiophy as the bed of a pick-up truck) Because the law states that possession of an item must include that the accused had knowledge that the item was in their possession.


You're an idiot if you run. Keep it up and you won't have your license much after 16. Not to mention you give all jeepers a bad name. Sure hope you don't have any club decals on the Jeep, gives a club a bad rap too.

And if you turn off and get away with it, hope the cop didn't get a good look at you, as paybacks are hell.

I catch about 75% of those who think they're sneaky and take the first turnoff, doesn't go in thier favor, either.

Keep it safe, and honest, and it will work out. [addsig]


Please be careful out there or else you will run into another vehicle with lights - an AMBULANCE!
Take it easy on the road and off...Patti

Compiled Quotes follow: from Vavs

DON"T RUN FROM COPS! At least in a 1995 Jeep Wrangler 4 banger. Why u ask? Cause they will catch you about 4 miles up the gravel road you turn up. Did I mention my Jeep is red too.. Well, I had 4 in the back and 2 in the front. Its a squeze but it works. The four banger barely moves though. And my breaks dont really work, but who needs those anyhow.



Young man, If you were old enough to play the lottery, I would suggest you simply buy a single ticket, sit back,,, and wait for your winnings.__$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

@ the age of 16 (ah, to be young and sophomoric again!!!)

You were............ extremely lucky!____________________________________________

And I truly hope that your Guardian Angel continues, to stave harm away from you,,,,,,, during your future sophomoric antics up in Idaho.

I joined this Board because of the vast amount of wisdom and experience most of you possess and demonstrate in reference to our shared passion, OUR RIGS! I will continue to learn much of the "nuts & bolts" tech aspect that I am lacking in, but on this topic,

I am "DUTY BOUND" to share my experience.

Maybe 21 years of licensed driving, civilian/military (concurrent), (been stopped at least once/twice a year / ticketed only twice for INSPECTION STICKERS ONLY, and when I was your age if I hadn't known what to do, I could have easily caught a couple of felonies.) In Kansas I had my hardship @ 14 (legal) been in a pickup, tractor, & combine, since the age of 12, in fields @ 2 lanes).

6 years as a US ARMY MILITARY POLICE- K9 OFFICER, garrison and combat duty, and the simple fact that my personal creed, 3rd axiom, charges me to "Servo Orbus Bestia"

(protect children & animals), I'll risk irritating you / and others,,

as MY COST of saving your's or another's life.

Please, at least ponder the following and take a close personal look at how much that ticket could have cost. You can always earn more money to pay for your screw ups that damage your RIG, but how are you going to pay for killing your friends????????????


Straight "Dope"

Get Pissed, if you shall, OR SPIRITUS INCRESCO!!! ( Grow,, Learn,, Consider,, Know)...

The "True Jeepsters" have shared their thoughts.::::::::::::::::

Read again and again the post from the elders on the Board, maybe you, and those who hang with you will LIVE TO SEE GRADUATION...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us simplify the rules.... Every "COUNTY" IN THE U.S. IS DIFFERENT..

304Forme @ 21 has a good perspective on life and how to Stay out of the "SYSTEM"

@34 Big T lil ODD @ 34 the man has "I been around you know" @ he knows how to stay alive. GreenReaper. /// Follow his advice to the "t" , why get shot, or kill someone else, running 8/9 miles over the limit.??

With all that you shall think you know and read and learn from others,,, I could verbatim quote,,,, idaho,,... and share seizure/search, EVASION, et all ...

what you need to hear now is:

You will die someday.

Don't take someone you care about with you.

You seem to show absoluteley no concern about the fact that you almost killed your 'friends' and yourself over a simple violation of speed.

"I had five friends on board, doing at least 60 mph down a cut off I wasn't familiar with, damn near tossed 2 of them on the first turn, sorry gravel, My 4 banger was couphing/ sputering, and puking, trying to pull the load. but the SOB sherrif was running 90 up the same hill and caught me... Thank God ,,, he was as much of of dumm ass as I am"

We all lived and, oh crud,,,,, I still got the ticket."


Military Installation" Uncle owns your Vehicle....... Get stupid get hurt... Guaranteed.

"Of the Troops / For the Troops" If you act stupid,,, you will kill your buddies,,, today,

tommorrow, or the next day...

Civilian aspect" simple, you dive your 4 banger, seriously overloaded, passengers without adequete restraint, over terrain you are unfamiliar with, at an excess of 60 miles an hour., and your PROUD that your brakes don't work?

ONE simple mistake on your virgin journey could have closed your school...................... 5 dead, tossed out and through the windsheild, cut in half by the roll bars...

guess what ............... you live,,,,... well you can't speak or walk, but you breathe and your heart still pumps some blood to your vital organs.


buddy of mine is 19 years old. Gratuated 2nd in his class, very smart kid, but dumbist human being i know. To date he has 6 speeding tickets, but that's not even close to the big one. For a graduation present his parents got him a 2002 accord- beautiful thing, its WAS a real plesure to drive. One night last summer he was cruzing down a side street by his house and sliped on some sand. Theres a big hill/bank think running the length of the road and you still see both of his tire markson it for the short time he drove the 60degree angle before his car flipped off it twice. My some mircle him and his brother noth walked away w/ the most serious injury being his brother's broken colar bone. Now, his parents may well be dumber then him, because they used the insurence money to but him the same car again a week later. Did he learn anything? no. not only did he get another ticket a few months later, but he's since added a cold air intake and high flow muffler and pipe to make it faster. I dont ride with him anymore, because he drives recklessly and way to fast. It offends him that i dont ride w/ him, and insists he's a good driver. i saw the pictures of the wreck. the passenger headrest is sticking out of the window because the roof came down on it. His brother says the only thing he remembers is the pressure on his head. There is no natural way he shouldnt have killed his brother. I can't even imagine that, killing your brother? because you were stupid? come on. I know im young, and by decree stupid. i can except that, but if thats the case, why go out of ur way to prove it?[addsig]


Now little buddy you have seen the wisdom of this board, Humbly I am proud to be a small part of this great bunch of folk. You have now either learned a lesson or just blew off all of this good advice from cops, millitary, rescue fire, and just plain ol great Jeep folk. I feel if you have learned anything here a new post from you "vavs" will soon be posted titled something like "What I learned on Jeepz.com Today" with an opening line like "I was stupid and Thanks for setting me straight." From this you have learned or lost. I am not kicken you dude, I am just glad you and all your buddy are alive and I am glad the cop did not kick your butt and fine the heck out of you. Mostly I am glad the folk here see the need and supply the lessons to thoes that show the need to learn one. Later Tug

Special note to the rest of you guys here. You make me proud! Good Job


"It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" I never knew what that phrase truely meant untill I bought my Jeep. It means that you are part of a group, a group that doesnt really care who you are, or where u come from. They care about you, the fellow Jeeper. I am glad that so many replied to my post. I turely understand that consequeces that might have happened if I would have over-corrected in one of the slids, or lost it over the cliff. I realize what I did was a major risk on my part, not because I could have died, but because 5 of my friends could have died. I have made the decison not to run anymore. I would say that I wont speed, but im sure at some point I will catch my self over the legal limit. So, I am going to make a vowe that I wont do anything to endanger my life, or anyone else's. This post has showed me how many Jeepers really care, and it is amazing to see. You guys don't know me, and will probably never meet me, but u still took the time to tell me something to set me straight. I would like to thank everyone that replied. And I would also like to tell you that if you see a red Jeep running from a cop, it wont be me. Thank you all.

Vavs [addsig]


I'm so very proud of you, Little Brother......

You promised you won't run anymore, and

I promise the next little red jeep I see trying to cut

corners on a lawful stop,,,, I WILL secure their

apprehension, with the appropriate force neccessary.

I'm glad we won't meet that day.

I hate filling out forms @ the morgue / or trying to clean

suspect blood off my pure white wolf. (Kena)

(When it's a fellow "Jeepster")

LAUGH, that is the closest an old soldier can come to humor.

I know we are ALL VERY IMPRESSED with your lastest epiphany. It is rare that such a young man can slow down enough to realize, there may truly be some different answers/perspectives out there that he can absord, take the best, and make his own.

Considering you were a stranger yesterday, at least 1000 miles away, you should take comfort in the fact that so many others not just share your interest, but hold you in high enough regard to risk pissing you off, by sharing with you the mistakes and lessons we have learned. We do sincerely care.

Nothing worse for an Old Soldier, ,,,,, than to have to help bury,,,, a child.

I've done it too many times.

Infirmus Defendo,,,,

Inops Adservio,,,

Servo Orbus Bestia.... Dog Man OUT!!!![addsig]


To: United States Militaty Police K-9 Unit- Ill probabally never speed on base (I enlisted recently and am in DEP untill BCT) for the sheer fear that you might pull me over. LOL Thanks for the compliment, by the way!!

On a more serious note and Ill end all of this....

Driving can kill. Durring Desert Storm, it was statisticly safer (you had a smaller chance of dying) while deployed to the middle east than you did stationed at a base.

SAFER to be at war? Thats right, i said it. safer because there were no personal vehicles in the middle east so the soldiers couldn't kill themselves driving drunk.

I don't know about yall, but that is a very scarry statistic.

Tread Lightly.

Vavs, good on you.


I'm glad to hear your words vavs. I take you to your vow and hold you to it. I, as a fellow friend, am glad not only to see your maturity as a person and a fellow jeeper, but to the rest of this fine group of individuals that I can call friends. You will not find a better group of kinsmen. I extend my hand to you in honor and in friendship as a fellow jeeper. It once more pleases me to know that you've made a choice for the better. God speed to you. (just don't use it while in town.)


I worked the road at Ft. Bragg last summer. Where were you at MP K9 man?[addsig]