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I recently had a run in with the cops. So I wanted to give you all a little advice that I should have taken. DON"T RUN FROM COPS! At least in a 1995 Jeep Wrangler 4 banger. Why u ask? Cause they will catch you about 4 miles up the gravel road you turn up. Did I mention my Jeep is red too. I got off easy though, a 53$ ticket for doing 8 over in town. And the cop told me I knew how to drive...but not to do it again. I offered to race back and he aggreed, but I really didn't wanna go to jail. So there is my story, and my advice. I hope u take it to heart and pull over the next time you see lights in your rear view.



no disrespect, but if really knew how to handle your rig that vrown vic, impala, or even one of them tahoes they drive should have had no buisness running ur ass down, 4 bannger or not. i see them lights and i turn off the first road into the woods i can find, and then im gone[addsig]

It was a Jeep Cherokee that ran me down. I reason I didn't get away was cause I didn't know of any trails to loose him on. I would have been nice it I would have though. The crazy a**hole was going like 90 trying to catch me. It was also uphill, with 6 people in the rig. So, unless I could have found a trail, I was screwed no matter how good I drove.



Be nice to the cops, don't run from the cops, no matter how fast of how skilled you are the cops ahve radios and you can not out run a radio sig! Later tug

Well, I had 4 in the back and 2 in the front. Its a squeze but it works. The four banger barely moves though. And my breaks dont really work, but who needs those anyhow.


Yeah, I realize that now Tug. I think that it was a good experince for me. I hardly even speed anymore. I always thought that cops were bad, but the one that pulled me over was nice. I think I have changed for the better. Now its all about the Jeep, not trying to look cool by flying by everyone going 85 through town. plus, if I get onother ticket I loose my liscence till im 18, and I dont want that.


I'm 16. Is that to young. I got my drivers liscense when I was 15. How old are you?


im 18....i was just wonderin how you ran from the cop had 6 ppl in a jeep and only got a ticket for $53 guess just good luck..hehe


Hehe, I would have to say it was the luckiest think that has ever happened to me. I could have got like a week in dail and a huge fine. I guess he was haveing a good day.


The luckiest thing that happened to you was, that you didin´t wrap it around a tree. And probably that there was a few to many witnesses around (with irrate parents, with a mental picture of the possible outcome). The cops probably would have bounced you around the ground little if you had been alone. Standard operating procedure is to rough up runners (cost me a dozen teeth). And beware there are some psycho cops out there (I know a few).[addsig]

You should send that cop Christmas cards next year. Very cool. One thing that I have learned is that the cooler you are to cops...the cooler they are to you. Bounty should agree here...when they have you...they have you. If you were doing something wrong...or at least something that gets their attention...admit it. Nobody wants to be treated like a moron. I've been pulled over plenty of times for some stupid stuff...nothing you see in a driver's ed book...and if you're honest...chances are they will respond favorably to that honesty. Great story though. Maybe the lesson here is not to respect the authority...and to get to know the trails a little better. Just joking there Bounty.


I've been pulled over for some really stupid stuff, but a word of warning....

-shut off the stupid car!

-light the cab as best as possible.

-Keep both hands on the wheele unless instructed to do so.

-BE RESPECTFUL! (I worked with police for a little over a year, and they hate idiots.)

-Be truthful too.... Kinda helps if you even get searched. (been there, done that.)

I'm glad to hear you came out ok, but man that was some crazy crap. I'm 19, and still learnin', but I know better than to out-do, out-smart, or out-run THE MAN. GR93.[addsig]

Ýou´re story brings back some memories, watched a guy flip his Jeep running from a County Sherrif. Five people on board, nobody wearing seat belts, makes the old sphincter tighten just thinking about it. Normally a fifiteen dollar ticket for driving in a fire area. I helped drive some of the survivors to the hospital (cop forgot to right me a ticket).

I´ve got about a hundred relatives on the police side of the badge (mother and father included). Take my word for it, there is idiots on both sides of the badge. Guy that beat the hell out of me ( worked for my father) lied about it to my father, then the Judge.

Pay your fine, keep quiet and know a good lawyer. Ya got lucky.[addsig]


As a 34 year-old with a 4 page long driving record. I have to say greenreaper is right.

-Once you see those lights turn on, move over and if the cop moves over with you, stop

the car and turn it off. The sooner you do this, the happier the cop.

-Always be polite, ESPECIALLY if the cop is wrong! NEVER say you have a friend that's a cop in the town you're in. The cop will almost always say, "Ya, I know him. He's a a$$hole."

-Never tell a cop that you're taking this to court. They will start writing down everyword you say, and use it against you.

-Always keep your hands where they can see them, no need getting shot reaching for a pen.

-Never open your glove box, until they tell you to.

-OH YA, and if you have a friend in the car, that tends to be a jerk. Tell him or her to shut up orelse you'll kick their butt. A cop doesn't care who's being a jerk, they'll bust the driver.

Just a few things I learned from the 200+ times I've been pulled over. Also things my uncle, who's a sheriff in San Bernardino, CA, taught me.[addsig]

for those of you who have police knowledge out there, is having a bad fuse so you have no tailights reasonable cause to search the vehicle? the cop said it was neglegence and that was reasonable cause to search because drinking and driving is neglegence too. is that bs?[addsig]

Ok ok, at 21 ive been pulled over probabally 50 times,

What ive learned from it....

-Jeeps are fun and consume a lot of time. Keep you out of trouble, well speeding, noise violations, ect. aside.


- if the cop asks for registration, TELL him that you have to open the glovebox before you DO it.

-Searching, well about that, I fought the law, law won! The cop is always right, and if he's not, well he still is. If they wanna search your car, there gonna do it. they will find some way or reason. it sucks but it happens.



To Jeepmaster..... Some will say yes. But really it's not. A burnt fuse is not a good enough reason. Erradict <sp> driving, yes. You can also request that a supervisor be present before the search. You can also request a search warrant be issued, because a car is still private property even on public streets. The officer is to ask for consent to search. Otherwise a half way decent attorney will get it thrown out as illegal search and seizure. One time a police dog walked into my car without a command from the officer. I saw this and told the officer that this now constitutes and illegal search and that if she kept me any longer, I would file unlawful detainment charges and illegal search charges. She let me go.[addsig]