Can't find the good in it


New member
You know spyware has messed up the web like viruses have email.
If you have not had spyware on your machine yet, just wait.
I hate this stuff, the people who write this, if caught should be charged with felony disctruction of personal property.
I went into the local puter shop and amost 1/3 of all customers were coming in for spyware removal.
I had a perfectly good 4 year old 98SE machine, but I found the "shopping wizard" malware along with 2 others and I spent over a week trying to remove them, all of the removal tools are amost all geared for XP now. It pushed me to make a decision that I was putting off anyway which is to buy a new puter and reformat the old one and donate it to my son to do homework and play games on.

If you have spyware, you should take it as a serious threat to your privacy. If you bank or shop online, shady people in holes in other countries even could be waiting for you to type in your password or card numbers. Yes, that is true, some of these programs can detect keystrokes you type and send them to a third party without you knowing it.

I remember when the spyware got on my machine, my 6 year old was playing on and he yelled that the game froze, and sure enough the puter was locked down, when I reset and rebooted, the browser was hijacked and it all went down hill from there, the more I tryed to remove it, the worse it got.

My advice is keep your drives backed up and don't waste too much time trying to remove it if you get it, just reformat and start fresh.

The internet is sure fun huh?


Ahh yes, I upgraded to XP on my old 566mhz with a 7gig hard drive. Not much room for anything like pics.

I'm leaning towards a new one myself. I think we had trouble with kids on Nick Jr too, but it was a long time ago.

Too bad we can't have some kind of 'net just for the US with a protal to the international net, but that would end up getting hacked too.

Tough to keep a step ahead of them.
Hi-Ya, 90Xjay,

XJNick recently posted a good list of anti-everything software programs, but here is what I use:

Avast! (anti-virus)
System Security Cleaner
Spyware Blaster
Bazooka Spyware Scanner

All of the above listed programs work with Win-98SE and are free for the downloading. A “Google” search on any of the program names will give you the download websites.

Of course, you need to keep your operating system and ancillary programs updated too!

Shame though! We shouldn’t have to go through all of this to protect our PCs. We have to spend way too much time protecting-cleaning-scanning our PCs anymore.


RE: Can

I use both AdAware and ZoneAlarm Pro (a freebie firewall) and don't have much problem with anything that most users without them have. I run my AdAware about once a month, and it usually detects 2 or 3 very benign spyware proggies. I think Zone Alarm keeps most of it out.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: SNOW!

Takes me nearly 6 hours, usually do it on Mondays to run my MRU blaster, AdAware, SpySweepwe, SpyBot, SpywareGuard, Spyware Doctor, Spyware Blaster, AOL spyware, all the norton stuff, defrag, and check integrity of files... That's inclusive of update time for each of the programs, and they ALL find different spywares than the other ones do...

I agree, Gadget, the days when you could just hop on, hop off, and not worry about the computer unless you decided to upgrade were very very fine indeed...
90Xjay said:
My advice is keep your drives backed up and don't waste too much time trying to remove it if you get it, just reformat and start fresh.

i'll have to disagree... i've been very successful every time in removing spyware... i'd rather play with power tools in the bathtub than lose what i got.. and its a LOT to backup, though the important stuff is backed up
hard doors

There's that side too... I had all my story work saved on my second drive, didn't even think about backing it up, because it was not the system drive, it was my backup drive. For whatever reason, the drive just decided to wipe itself clean about three years ago. I lost thousands of pages of drawn work, 4 volumes of my story that I have been working on since I was like 10. All gone. And while I have been recreating it from memory in my spare time, it's just not the same. Format=BAD!

I make a backup disc of just about everything. Then wipe it from my computer unless I use it often.

Lose it all one time and you'll back up stuff.
Okay, THAT freaked me out!

I use Spybot-SD and run Zone Alarm. My router also has a built in fire wall. We had a case awhile back, but I too am a strong supporter of frequent backups. Especially now with a thirteen year old giving my network a good workout. :roll:


RE: Okay, THAT freaked me out!

Funny how a bunch of you have mentioned youngsters and virii/spyware in pretty much the same sentence. I haven't had a virus on my computer since I divorced the wicked witch of the west and got rid of the two evil step-demons! My sis, on the other hand, has 4 kids from age 9-15, and she just recently tossed their home computer in the trash because of all the money they've spent trying to get it purged of nasty attachments. I also remember when I was in high school, there were two computers in the entire school, and if you weren't buddy-buddy with the computer teacher, you never got to touch them. If memory serves, they were Commodore 64's with maybe 8 megs of ram. The office staff didn't even use computers, everything was on microfilm and in big filing cabinets. They didn't even have electric typerwriters in the office till my sophomore year (1980). Now, my nephew just turned 5 and is in kindergarten, and each of the 15 kids have their "own" computer that they work on!!!! They're teaching kids at a younger age everyday about computers and the internet, yet they don't appear to be picking up on the part about how to avoid viruses.
Re: RE: I Don

The computers at work have been infected. A couple of them need to be tossed out. The one that is used to handle the business email is beyond repair. I spent about 4 hours total just removing unidentifiable crap from it last week. It's just bored stupid people that found our website on the net and decided to be mean.....either that or unsatisfied customers :lol: .....but either way, I'd like to pimp slap them one time.
RE: Paragon Feb 19th

Gadget, I had ran all but two of the programs you listed, even ran them in safemode also, no joy.
The one particular malware package I got has "Shopping Wizard, Search Assistent(yes it is spelled that way) and Search Extender" all at once. I have removed some nasty trojans from machines before but this one is real bad.

Snitty, in my shoes, most of my stuff is always backed up and I just use my puter for maintaining 3 websites, Ebay, and email, so as for me, I think I will just use something like Norton Ghost to keep a picture of my settings and if another nasty one comes on, I'll go nuclear and start over.
I'd rather do that than spend 5 or 6 hours of hunting those things down. I will continue to use the anti-spyware tools and hope for the best. I would still like to introduce a 2x4 to the forehead of the guy to jacked up my machine though.....

Blank, writeable CD-ROMs have become so inexpensive that I use them as 650 Meg floppy-disks.

I got into the habit some years ago of arranging my hard-disk data files such that the programs fetch data from and write data to sub-directories under one directory which I created. Doing that does often involve not accepting a default storage location when installing a program. (A good security practice, anyway.)

To make a complete hard-disk data backup, I need only select that one directory which I created and write that directory out to a blank CD-ROM on a monthly or so schedule. Any subs and their contents, of course, go with the selected directory.

Voila!!!! No fuss, no muss data backup, and no fuss, no muss data restore should I have to replace/rebuild a hard-disk.

Works for my admittedly modest data storage needs.

RE: Motorcraft 2150, kinda need info quick.

That's an excellent Idea Gadget! I can see how it would benefit security wise, too.
RE: sent pic

Here is the latest and greatest spyware detector:
Microsoft anti-spyware Beta

Microsoft is getting into the anti-spyware game, and is giving away their anti-spyware for free (until it's out of beta).

It's the best antispyware I"ve used

Unfortunately, the MS anti-spyware beta is incompatible with Win-9X/ME.

See "System Requirements."


PS: No, I am not going to upgrade to XP. Don't need to -- all of my creaky old computers are much smarter and faster than creaky old Gadget.

I've got some stuff to rant about in this thread, but no more time tonight to do so.... rant postponed :p

-Nick :!:
As much as I'm online, I really don't have much problem with spyware or spam. I do use adaware and spybot on a pretty regular basis. I run one or both at least a few times a week. I also use Norton antivirus and Zone alarm for a firewall. I keep my windows 2000 and norton updated on a regular basis as well. Occasionally, I'll have a tracking cookie or two but that's about it.

As for Spam, everyone yells and screams about how much they get. For some reason I've been lucky. Looking at my "junk" folder, I've gotten 7 spams so far this month. I used to get a couple of them a day but that stopped when they busted that guy recently. I've had the same two email email addresses for probably about 4 years so I can't explain it.

Maybe I've been lucky but spyware just doesn't seem to be a problem with diligent preventative maintenance. Maybe it's just me.