Buying Used JK, 2015 Front Diff Cover Permatex Gasket


New member
Gota hold on a 2015 JK with 30K miles at the local Jeep dealership just arrived.

An older man traded her in and it does not appear to have been flogged.

Drives smooth and nothing seems loose.

Orange gasket material is evident on front Diff cover.

I asked the dealer if he could look up the history and or hook me up with the PO.

Dealer says they will try to find out.

6Sp 2 door Anvil with A/C and freedom top is exactly what I wanted.

Any guidance on diff or other things I can do to CYA?

Much Obliged

Doog :eek:

the dealer can easily check the warranty history - as quickly as I am posting this answer.

Might ask if vehicle is 'certified' used - if not I would be suspecious.

click on attachment to read information


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When I bought my 2010 jk new I found leaks at both differentials. The dealer fix them [front diff twice] That was all in the 1st year and there have been no differential leaks since. There should be dealer records as it's likely it was done under warranty.
I asked if we could call the original owner and they did and he stated that he had the shop seal it up and they went to Synthetic Oil for the dIffs and engine. He also said he did not Off-Road the little beast. I'm going to pull the trigger. Will finally be a "Jeepster" (Jeep owner) as I used to call them. My old pal had an actual Jeepster many moons ago. I'll have many Noob questons down the road. My 2015 2 r Wrangler is Anvil. : )
Thanks kindly for responses.
