Buffalo Mountain Trails Today


New member

Will and I got to go out and do the Fater Son thing to day. Had a blast his friend had rolled a ford off a trail and they have not been able to get it out oso I went down with him to see the damage.

This kid did a number on a pretty nice old Exployer. rolled it a couple of times took out two sappling trees and stoped on the top. SUV's are not Jeeps and at least this 17 year old driver pushed the edge just a bit to far.

I broke the exaust loose just below the manifold today drove home easy but sounded like a race car. The ruts in the mud hoe were to deep for my stock supenshion so it took a hard hit and broke the weld at the flange below the doughtnut gasket loose. EZ fix just weld it up. hehehehe

The new home made cable front axel posi lock system worked like a charm. Wills little Ford Ranger that he and I have fixed up preformed like a champ. That little 2.0 L is a real work horse. Looks tough with the camo and tires to.

Here are a few pics of at least the after mass of it all any way. By the way this was a new trail for me today as I keep doing the trail research for the Jeepz summer trail ride. Yea I know i is tough to have to suffer for you guys and gals but some one has to do it. tug


This is the Ford after they managed to get it on it's feet! Dad is going to be so ticked off!

This is a nother pic to show you what a hole he has got into. Glad it is not me or Will :-O

Will splashing through a small mud hole!

Not a bad looking little Ranger even if it is a Ford.

A We Bit Muddy and I try to stay clean in the woods. I hate to wash up!

Got to keep all your moving parts clean! :lol:

Like I keep saying we are not living on the Rubicon or Moab but we have fun with what we are lucky enough to have here. Tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, May 18, 2003 - 03:47 PM[addsig]


That looks like some fun trails you got there.Wish I was there. :wink: Sully[addsig]