Budget Boost Install


New member
Hello, I just got the 2in BB and for the life of me I cant get these spacers on. I started in the front and they dont seem to fit I tried lubing them up and even hammering them but that only gets them on a little. Is there a trick to this?. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Welcome to the Z. I assume you removed the bumpstop and unbolted the bumpstop cup?
Grab the stock bump stop and with a lot of force wiggle it back and forth while pulling down, it will come out. After the bump stop is removed, use a 15mm socket and unbolt the bump stop cup and install the BB spacer. I like to use the stock 1/2" rubber spacer ubder the BB spacer in the front as most TJ's will have some front spring sag and this will help compensate for it. Then reinstall the bump stop cup and install new longer bump stops if your lift kit came with them.
Same procedure for fronts and rears. If you are replacing the rear shocks be very cautious with upper rear shock bolts if you live in the rust belt. They break very easily, and the gas tank is plastic, so it will not resist any torch heat at all.
Thanks guys. I got it. The problem was the diamater of the hole in the puck seemed to be smaller than the bumpstop, but I managed to force it on. Didnt think it should have been that hard but oh well it on now. Thanks again8)

Thats why you are supposed to remove the bump stop cup. The puck isn't supposed to go over it. lol
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