Broken driver seat frame in 01 Grand.


New member
Okay I'm a big guy. Seat frame is cracked within the bottom cushion of my 01 Grand on the driver side. Wondering if that can be repaired. Don't want to go the the stealer for a new seat and seats on 01's from a boneyard are usually pretty trashed. Any help or direction out there? Illinois/Indiana area.

The only way to repair it is to remove the seat from the vehicle and then remove the upholstery to see what kind of damage the frame has.
The usual problem is the frame breaks right at the front left at the bolt that connects the two parts of the frame,it only seems to happen to us big boys and girls.Unbolt the seat unclip the fabric and have someone with a small 110 welder and hammer put it back right for you ,ive done three for me and one last weekend for a big girl that loves her cherokee.good luck