Broke my Window......


Active member
its so cold out that my windshield froze..... so i was shiping away at the ice an dthe windshield cracked..... not cool now i have to replace a windshield and its gunna cost around 300 bucks :cry: i hate it when stupid things like that happen anyone know how hard it is to change a window? iv never done one before and dont know if i want to try it in this blistering cold weather......

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$300 :shock: Don't you have comprehensive coverage for that? Even if you don't that sounds pretty steep for a piece of flat, rectangular glass.
I have pulled a few old ones out, but have never put one back in. You would definately have ot do it inside where it is warm or the gasket will be to stiff to manipulate to get the winshield in. Normally a good glass shop will jack up the price so when you put it on your insurance they will do it for what is left after the deductible. So unless you have a warm place I would not attempt it, and if you find a good shop the price will be less than just ordering a peice of glass and a new gasket. If you do attempt it put in the gasket and work the glass into it then put in the lock strip.
I think the quadratec catalog had some windshield glass listed for 100 bones. Might be wrong check the catalog. order it and have a glass shop install it. if you comp ded is only 100 like mine just claim it and the pay the 100 and call it a day. my w/s is cracked from top to bottom on the pass side - though the crack doesnt disrupt the wipers or catch the blades so it passes inspection. im letting it go until it doesnt pass anymore

That price seems a little high. I went to a Ma and Pa shop, and they replaced mine for $175. I'd shop around for a while.
My XJ cost about 300 when some jerk threw a rock at it and its a curved piece. I would think that your TJ should be cheaper. Plus, that was with insurance picking up the bill, so I didn't shop around.

I have never paid more than $150 for a windshield and that one was on a Olds cutless supreme it is huge. I would never have insurance pay for it I don't want the claim. I would call around and just tell them you are paying. They should get you one pretty cheep.
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I've tried it and it's a pain in the rear. I broke the glass before I gave up and paid to have one installed. I only paid $150 glass and install at my home. When I watch the guy put it in, looked pretty easy. He placed the gasket around the glass, put a small cord in the channel that would go on the frame, placed the glass on the frame then sprayed it down with a soap solution before pulling on the cord to get the gasket to seat on the frame. Took him a total of like 20 minutes to complete.
I live in Florida and if you break your winshild they replace it for free as long as the crack is bigger than your drivers license. They will do it once a year and they come out to your house or work and do it and then bill your insurance. Jeff

shop around and let a pro install it. it is easy to screw the new one up if you don't do it right
Been A Long Time Waiting

well i dont have any insurance on the window. i was thinking of taking the jeep off the road and start installing the axles under it....but i still need a car to drive to work so this really puts me in a bind ............ ohhhhh the joy of owining a jeep hehehe
i don't see getting insurance on it here... if i did.. it would be a 200 deductable anyway.. which would cost me more for that int he first place.. and with a soft top on, which i plan on getting sometime... the only glass is the windshield

Current issue of JP Magazine has a short writeup about a company putting out Lexan windshields for jeeps, yours would be under $200. It's coated to be nearly as scratch resistant as glass, and no more breaks.

It has yet to get DOT certification but they are lobbying for that as we speak, err, type. It's strong and there are no inherent problems keeping it from being DOT certified, it's just cuz it's new to the market.

I'll probably go this route since mine is cracked.
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yea bounty i read about that. i was thinkin about getting that but i dont wan t to be rolling around illegal