What is it?
A body lift is really just big washers (kind of like hockey pucks) which are put between the body and the frame of the vehicle. A body lift doesn't raise the height of your frame, meaning your bumper won't be any higher, and you won't have any extra clearance under your axle.
The install
The first thing you need to do is obtain a good body lift. I ordered mine from MORE. Their kit included new polyurethane bushings, similar to the poly bushings you use with the shackle lift, these will last longer and give a better ride. With a 1" lift, you will only have to install the pucks, but with a 2 or 3" lift, you will need to drop the radiator, lengthen your steering shaft, and possibly get longer brake lines.
The install goes easiest if you use a breaker bar (basically a big lead pipe that you slip over the handle of your socket wrench, giving you more leverage). First break all body bolts loose, then take out all of them on one side of the Jeep. Now you need to jack up one side of the Jeep, which can be the tricky part. Start at the back of one side, and replace the mounts one at a time, being very careful that the Jeep is jacked safely. This isn't rocket science, and a little common sense can save yourself from a broken hand.
A body lift can be a great way to clear larger tires, and give you that beefy look. A body lift generally won't effect your ride quality, since your suspension isn't touched. The most notable pro is that it's cheap.
As with all the lifts we'll look at a body lift can be a bad thing when you try to go too tall. The max recommended lift is 2" (although there are plenty of 3" lifts available). The reason you'll want to limit the height of your body mount is that the bolts that attach the body to your frame will be that much longer and there's a good chance that they could sheer off.
With a body lift over 1 inch you may have to address other things such as modifying the floor around your shifter, and moving your engine's fan shroud.
between $60 and $150 depending on the completeness of the kit

A body lift is really just big washers (kind of like hockey pucks) which are put between the body and the frame of the vehicle. A body lift doesn't raise the height of your frame, meaning your bumper won't be any higher, and you won't have any extra clearance under your axle.
The install
The first thing you need to do is obtain a good body lift. I ordered mine from MORE. Their kit included new polyurethane bushings, similar to the poly bushings you use with the shackle lift, these will last longer and give a better ride. With a 1" lift, you will only have to install the pucks, but with a 2 or 3" lift, you will need to drop the radiator, lengthen your steering shaft, and possibly get longer brake lines.
The install goes easiest if you use a breaker bar (basically a big lead pipe that you slip over the handle of your socket wrench, giving you more leverage). First break all body bolts loose, then take out all of them on one side of the Jeep. Now you need to jack up one side of the Jeep, which can be the tricky part. Start at the back of one side, and replace the mounts one at a time, being very careful that the Jeep is jacked safely. This isn't rocket science, and a little common sense can save yourself from a broken hand.
A body lift can be a great way to clear larger tires, and give you that beefy look. A body lift generally won't effect your ride quality, since your suspension isn't touched. The most notable pro is that it's cheap.
As with all the lifts we'll look at a body lift can be a bad thing when you try to go too tall. The max recommended lift is 2" (although there are plenty of 3" lifts available). The reason you'll want to limit the height of your body mount is that the bolts that attach the body to your frame will be that much longer and there's a good chance that they could sheer off.
With a body lift over 1 inch you may have to address other things such as modifying the floor around your shifter, and moving your engine's fan shroud.
between $60 and $150 depending on the completeness of the kit

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