BOdy FiNals . . . .


New member
Well, i've been putting a lot of work into the interior tub of my jeep. Been grinding/sanding/ and stripping paint off . . . it has 4 layers of paint on it , arg . . . i've got most of it off . . little here little there but its gettin there. Im using the stuff por-15 puts out to get rid of rust . . . seems to do a pretty good job of nutrilizing it and getting most of it off. When im done i dont want to deal with rust at all so im deciding how i am to do this. I know i want to hurculine the tub after everything else i did so it would come out with a nice clean finish. After i use the rust nutrilizer/remover from por-15 im thinking i will paint/spray the inside with rustoleum rust stopper primer stuff i've got out in the garage. Then after that finishes ruff it up and apply the hurculiner. Do you think this will rid me off any rust in the future??? I also plan on doing the bottom of the tub and the underside of the fenders in por-15/rustoleum . . not sure, and then possibly covering it up with some hurculiner for added strenght. Not sure if this is the right way to go, but im pretty hellbent on wanted to hurculine the inside of the tub, i really like the finish and how resistant to dents/scratches/chips it is. Sorry for the long post ~ Justin

I don't know if it will solve the problem for ever, but it is a awesome way to prevent any more rust of forming. Rust forming is a very chemical process and I really don't recall it (4 years ago in chem II) but rust is FERROUS OXIDE?? the part of metal (the chemical compound that is) with free hydrogen's (ferite??) bonds to the carbon part of CO2 in the atmosphere and the O2 in water.

Any how, you can remove it 100 percent , not see an ounce of rust in there, but it will come back, there are very small pockets and dimples that are too small to see and the rust is just chillin in there. Thats why cutting and replacing is the best method.

If anyone knows this please set me straight, I didn't really pay attention in that class, but that is what I do remember!

When I was cleaning a sticker and the sticky glue off of my glove box,I couldnt get it of with anything.Then I grabbed some rocket fuel,and it ripped into the paint. :( Next time I will just settle for some windex. :)