

New member
Just thought I'd share with you all my upcoming weekend adventure. Remember that drive I took down to Virginia that I posted about a while back? Time for a repeat, only instead of being in my Jeep, which fits me like a glove, and I am comfortable driving, I get to use my Grandma's Town and Country LXi. Now, since the entire family's going down, not only do I get to deal with incessant backseat driving, but we'll also be stopping like every 15 minutes to rest, use the bathroom, shop, eat, whatever... So that'll turn the 12 hours that I did it into about 16 if I'm lucky. Plus, it's the weekend, so I get to deal with more traffic, because I'll probably be driving most of the way. And here's the kicker. I work till 9:30 Thursday night (if I'm lucky)., leave at 3:00 Friday morning, have wedding on Saturday, come home Sunday, and be back to work at 8:00 Monday morning...

Not at all Jeep related, or relevant, but interesting nonetheless, I think...

Saurian said:
Just thought I'd share with you all my upcoming weekend adventure. Remember that drive I took down to Virginia that I posted about a while back? Time for a repeat, only instead of being in my Jeep, which fits me like a glove, and I am comfortable driving, I get to use my Grandma's Town and Country LXi. Now, since the entire family's going down, not only do I get to deal with incessant backseat driving, but we'll also be stopping like every 15 minutes to rest, use the bathroom, shop, eat, whatever... So that'll turn the 12 hours that I did it into about 16 if I'm lucky. Plus, it's the weekend, so I get to deal with more traffic, because I'll probably be driving most of the way. And here's the kicker. I work till 9:30 Thursday night (if I'm lucky)., leave at 3:00 Friday morning, have wedding on Saturday, come home Sunday, and be back to work at 8:00 Monday morning...

Not at all Jeep related, or relevant, but interesting nonetheless, I think...

Dude, I don't envy you.
Tug-n-pull said:
Good time to come down with the Flu! tug

Oh yeah, I forgot that part, my sunroof got jammed open on the Jeep for a couple days, and it's been cold up here. I think I have the flu, or at least a really bad cold... :?

Well, Saurian, at least I'm not alone! I'll be leaving right after work Thurs., 7 hrs. in the Jeep (interstate all the way :cry: ) to Dayton,Ohio - pulling a little trailer no less, Friday wedding in Toledo, Saturday pick up a motorcycle in Bowling Green, then on to Holland, Mich. to see mudder-in-law Sunday (have to go through South Bend - uggghhh!!), pick up a table, then the long haul home Monday and back to work Tuesday. Hoping the muds and the little 4banger are up to all that. I have empathy for you!
Man, Saurian!

Sounds like the Griswalds go to Wally-World, the Sequel. :wink:

Try to keep your sense of humor, enjoy the trip as best you can, and be safe!


PS: You too, mud4feet(s)

Posted this already, but the computer decided to overheat doing some audio editing, and I guess it didn't go through...

At any rate, thanks, Gadget... I'll do my best to assure a safe drive, and even maybe try to have fun... As long as I am not so congested that I cannot hear my music, I should be fine. I just wish we were taking my dear Jeepy instead of the Town and Country. Not only am I more comfortable driving it, but it'll be just my luck that I'll probably see a million Jeeps on the road, some of which might be you guys, while mine's sitting in the driveway...

Mud, good to know that I am not the only one that gets to do a duty-drive, but at least you've got your Jeep... It's a pretty equivalent distance... Holland is on the other side of the state from me, but depending on how you drive it, the distance from Michigan to Virginia, and North Carolina to Michigan can be pretty close... I'm taking I-75 south to turnpikes (Ohio and Pennsylvania), to I-70, to I-95... Or something like that, don't really want to look at the directions again... Madison Heights is right outside of Detroit, so at least I am right on the freeway.

Sully, a cool trip would be the one I took to Texas... Detroit-Metro area through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma to Amarillo, Texas. Then back through Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and back to dear old Michigan... That was a trip... Jeez, I drive a lot of places, don't I?
Good time to have work call and tell you there's some kind of emergency that requires your presence - all weekend!!!
Look back over everything that I wrote in the starter topic of this thread. Now, change it by the fact that I did not have to drive at all, because due to this sick that I have, it was all I could do to maintain consciousness, and you have the trip... The wedding was lovely, but being that in 12 hours, I will be in the throes of preperations for a Monday lunch rush, and I have only been home for 1/2 an hour, being on the road since 6:00 AM, I am not pleased. In fact, I would like the entire thing stricken from the record.

Mud, I hope that your trip was perhaps a little more pleasant...

Mud, I hope that your trip was perhaps a little more pleasant...

Thanks for the wishes, Saurian. It's 8:30 on Monday and I've now been home a little over an hour - took about half an hour to unload everything, then catch up on the mail and phone messages and splash down a couple cold ones. Arrived at my folks' in Dayton, Oh. at 1:30 Fri. am. Went to a wedding in Toledo 5:30 Fri. pm. - strange wedding; in a church-like setting, lady preacher with a cross on her robe, and not one mention of God or any kind of scripture - new one on me! Delivered a kayak to my sis in Rudolph, OH (birthplace of Bob Evans and home of the famous reindeer postmark at Christmas) on Saturday and picked up a 1975 Honda 550 (her belated wedding gift to the muds - she can't ride anymore) and a couple of old chairs, then off to Holland, MI to see the mudder-in-law. Visited with her on Sunday and picked up a huge coffee-type table and headed to Kalamazoo to stay with one of our sons. Left at 6:00 this morning and am now home, very happy to be back in the mountains and sipping a cold Bud Light as I type this. Not exactly my idea of a good "wheelin'" weekend, but Lucille did very well on those stinkin' interstates, considering all that I was asking her to pull. Had to climb the mountain at Jelico, TN in third gear, but other than that, she did just fine. Glad to be home and itching to slide around in a little mud. Oh yes.........and catch up on my Jeepz readin' :D