bikini top ?s


New member

I'm looking into getting a bikini top. I currently only have a hard top on my jeep. I heard some guys saying they liked the bikini top better than their soft top. Anyone have an opinion on that? Also is it worth buying the pieces all together or is it not necessary. I live in new jersey and the weather is usually pretty predictable. Usually.
Thanks for any help and opinions.


Also I know that Bestops are the best out there. But what exactly is the difference between a say, Steel Horse? I'm kinda short on cash and can only spend so much money. Any suggestions?

I have a Bestop Strapless on my 88 YJ and love it. You can take it off or put it on in 30 seconds or so. Never heard anything good about steelhorse. Seem to have problems with quality. If you are not to picky about color, you can find great deals on ebay and jeep boards from time to time. The bikini will never replace my full canvas, but it is great in the summer.


I bought one from a guy on this site actually, I havn't used it yet but I proabably will soon cause I don't want to put my soft top back on! I too live in Jersey so I know what you mean about this crazy weather. Where are you in NJ? Im right in the center on the beach, near asbury park... Anyways, I hear it's good to have in a pinch if your runnin round topless.[addsig]


I run a best top on my TJ the short bikini top that covers just the front. My partner in crime at work has a steel horse that covers the rear seat as well as the front (safari type?) . After one year he is having a seam could be that he has his on longer than I do and he stores his jeep out-side over the whole summer( I park mine in the garage at nights and weekends). So you make the call here it takes 30 minutes to change from the bikini to the full top and vias-versa.

The only draw back I know of with the half top like mine is when it rains and I drive on the freeway the wind goes over the top and comes in from the back drenching me from the rear. I just lean back and enjoy the ride, and try not to let the flat-landers know I am
Remember here ....image is every thing when it comes to our jeeps

edited by: Utah_jeepster, Jun 27, 2003 - 04:42 PM[addsig]

I remember the first time I drove mine with the bikini top on while it was raining..I couldn't figure out why my wipers weren't working....then I realized that it was the inside of the windshield that was getting wet from the backdraft...RainX solved that problem.[addsig]

If you want a Bikini Top get a Bestop, you'll be money ahead. Had mine for 6 years with no problems. If I don't have it on it's in the back - always with me. Now if you're worried about your Jeep getting wet or yourself getting wet, I'd say get a soft top. The Bikini doesn't offer much protection but it's great to have around for emergencies. I went all winter this year topless and with the Bikini - Ya gotta love it or your miserable!



Hey Joppin\'. I'm in Brick by the beach. Nice to see another jeeper from this state. Thanks for all the help and the suggestions. One more question though. If you get the tonneau cover and windjammer does that keep the water out? It doesn't look like it seals at all but It's cheaper than a soft top.

i spend my whole summer with doors off, but the combo half top ( bikini, duster , windjammer) i love it.

Yeah you get a lil wet if it rains bad, but nothing drastic. looks great too, ive got pics if you need them PM me....

i got a 95 YJ white with spice top[addsig]


I'm from North jersey and have a bikini top It is good until it rains then make sure you have your plugs out. I have a hard top and thought about getting a soft top but I heard to many horror stories about aftermarket tops. I carry a water proof cab cover if it rains. What I also invested in is the lift for the hard top. So I can take the top off myself in a matter of minutes. [addsig]