BIH Jerry Falwell

never mind...:-|

I think you were going to say something like "I don't necessarily agree with his politics or his view on life, but I sure won't condemn him to hell. I just hope he made his peace with God." Or maybe that's what I was going to say.........:shock:

Anyway, I personally hate to hear it..........didn't agree with the man, but I don't really think he was a bad man.
I think you were going to say something like "I don't necessarily agree with his politics or his view on life, but I sure won't condemn him to hell. I just hope he made his peace with God." Or maybe that's what I was going to say.........:shock:

Anyway, I personally hate to hear it..........didn't agree with the man, but I don't really think he was a bad man.

right again Mud, good choice of words..8)

You shouldn't bash too hard on Falwell, You have a lot in common. Both of you tend to voice your opinion whether it is popular or not....or even solicited for that matter.
I'll leave it to the Big Man to decide who is going to "BIH."
You shouldn't bash too hard on Falwell, You have a lot in common. Both of you tend to voice your opinion whether it is popular or not....or even solicited for that matter.
I'll leave it to the Big Man to decide who is going to "BIH."
Exactly, however you can use that same logic in the other direction.

All I'll say is that I feel Falwell deserves the same respect in death that he alloted to many folks... unfortunately he disrespected many.

Personally, I feel sorry for him. Hateful people are sad people.
Geez guys... even Larry Flynt had nicer things to say about Falwell:
My mother always told me that no matter how much you dislike a person, when you meet them face to face you will find characteristics about them that you like. Jerry Falwell was a perfect example of that. I hated everything he stood for, but after meeting him in person, years after the trial, Jerry Falwell and I became good friends.

Like the man said... classy :roll:
Guess I just have a major problem with someone who sells "salvation".

Well you're half right :lol:

Ahahah just kidding man! I really don't know much about him. It's just that I have always thought it is kind of wrong to bash someone who just passed away, mainly out of respect of their loved ones.
Well you're half right :lol:

Ahahah just kidding man! I really don't know much about him. It's just that I have always thought it is kind of wrong to bash someone who just passed away, mainly out of respect of their loved ones.

But I've always bashed him, so it doesn't matter. Spend some time reading up on him...not on the conservative websites, nor the liberal sites, just a varying degree of articles from in between. He was a letch, and took lots of elderly people for all they had (my grandmother included) with the promise of salvation. The more you give to his ministry (his bank account) the more salvation you will gain from God.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against salvation, I am already a recipient. I am not against God. I am not against preachers who spread the word. I am, however, against pretty much all televangelists or anyone who asks for money for spreading God's word. Sure, our church pays our pastor from the donation plate, but she is not up there every Sunday telling us that we need to pay, we need to donate, we have to give to the church so that it can continue to spread the Gospel. And the money that is left over goes to services...viable, helpful services for the those who need them, not just to further line the pockets of the pastor. Televangelists are thieves (pardon my generalization, I suspect there may be some who are on the up and up) that steal from those who are needy. the soapbox for now. This whole thing obviously has struck a nerve with me, so I had just better shut up.:x

Well you're half right :lol:

Ahahah just kidding man! I really don't know much about him. It's just that I have always thought it is kind of wrong to bash someone who just passed away, mainly out of respect of their loved ones.

I wasn't bashing him. I just said he deserves the same respect in death he gave others (in death).


Of course, I guess we all pick and choose who to be respectful of when they pass. If the person's an ingrate, ala Saddam, Dahmer, etc, we could care less and the bashing begins. I suppose it only depends on whether you find the person to be worthy of that respect.

I am okay with folks doing to him as he did unto others...which is not respecting the families of those who have died.

The things he said about AIDS victims in the 80's...I'd have a hard time ever forgiving a man who claimed that someone I knew "Deserved it" just because they happened to catch the AIDS virus.
Personally, I've never attended a funeral where they buried a low down dirty S.O.B.
Someone always finds a way to embellish the earthly deeds of the recently dead.

Having said that Falwell was passionate about allot of things, whether good or bad, a supreme being is judging that as I type this.
Personally, I've never attended a funeral where they buried a low down dirty S.O.B.
Someone always finds a way to embellish the earthly deeds of the recently dead.

Having said that Falwell was passionate about allot of things, whether good or bad, a supreme being is judging that as I type this.

I can respect that. I know your thoughts come from a good place.

Of course, I guess we all pick and choose who to be respectful of when they pass...

I suppose it only depends on whether you find the person to be worthy of that respect.

Point taken ;)