Big Air


New member
Has anyone every jumped their jeep??? I was rdin in the back of my friends jeep w/o a seatbelt, he got air and i hit my nose on the roll bar and his other friend hit his head on it!!!! :cry: just askin about the air thing.

:roll: Yes, I've had air, over a hill or two in the sand trap I go too. Ya should never ever ride without a seatbelt, especially in a JEEP! DUH> lol
he didnt have the back seat in and we only just goin for a ride down the street untill he decided to go offroadin

How do you spell crindge? You know like that feeling when your sphincter tightens.
Watched a Jeep load of kids, driving pretty fast, over an alkaline flats, in Death Valley. They hit a small ravine, just an errosion cut, maybe two feet by two feet. Nobody had seat belts on and bodies were flying everywhere. One of those mental pictures that lasts a lifetime. Only had space for three, CB wouldn´t pick up anything, 60 miles from nowhere. Left two people out there, in the middle of the desert, to evacuate the seriously injured (one I left had a broken back). Hoping I´d be able to find my way back. Somethings you never forget and hope you never see again.
They had some high air under that Jeep, almost did an endo. Was talking to a Jeep engineer a couple of months ago. I mentioned the serious push, built into Jeeps. He said they did that on purpose, so they would nose down on side slopes. Helps to keep them from rolling.

how bout these guys




Drove off the slip face of a sand dune once by accident...caught big air least 10 feet worth. Luckily my Jeep landed on it's feet (though just barely) and I had on my seatbelt.

I also know a couple of kids driving in a CJ lifted 11". They weren't seat belts and they flipped it on it's side (avoiding another car) on pavement going about 30 mph. The driver fell out and the Jeep fell onto him and pinned him down. I ended up staying in the emergency room waiting for the news for a very troubling 6+ hours. He was very lucky to have not been killed. The other kid just had a bruise or two but that was it...he was even luckier. WEAR A SEAT BELT. :eek:

Oh, then there's the very lucky "Dude, turn off my jeep" guy who was catapulted onto an overhead wire when he had an accident in his Wrangler with no seatbelt on...the story was on CNN and a number of major news sites. :)