Battery question


New member
So . . . What should I get

Hi guys,

My. S.O. decided to use the jeep while I'm away. She noticed a power drag sound when starting up the engine, but then the battery level and all systems worked fine. It is one of those slow winding sounds like the battery is struggling to provide the cranking power.
there is power and fuel and spark.
Any idea besides the battery going out? That is about the only thing I can come up with right now sitting in another state.
It's Mikey, the 1991 Wrangler YJ, 4cyl, fuel-injected.
Still need to replace a few vacuum hoses when I get a chance. The slight oil bleed back to the air filter is still happening. How do you clean the brass port leading to the exhaust manifold tubing?

Any help with the battery is appreciated.

Vasily :roll:

FIRST thing I've found (if the battery isn't too old) are dirty battery connections. 1/2" wrench to loosen (+) & (-) connections and a thin knife to clean the inside of the connection clamps. Then wire brush the trminals. Check for a loose belt that could be slipping (real PITA to tighten on 4.0s). Auto Zone will check the batteries FREE as a service. If it just did it once maybe a light was on to draw the battery down.
tj gas cap

Unfortunately, not the solution. It has been struggling for about a week from what I was told. Once it fires up, everything is fine. That's what leading me to believe the battery is just not performing. I have no idea what the battery life is. We got it when we bought Mikey about 1 yr ago. It probably needs replacing.

Thanks for the thought,
have the battery tested like Ritt said (autozone = free) - if thats not it, could be the starter - i had a prob way back where the starter drew waaaaay too much current turning the motor - acted like a dying battery - it may not be a likely solution but its a possibility most dont think of - have the current draw tested if the batt. checks ok...

Follow the airtube from the airbox to the front of the valve cover. The brass fitting is there at the valve cover. Clean it and you should get vacuum through that fitting into the engine, as long as the vacuum line from the intake to the valve cover is not plugged. This should cure your oily airfilter problem.
Hm... 1 year sounds like a pretty short time for a battery to start to fail... My thoughts would be that there is some sort of underlying power drain somewhere...
Battery test is a definite... if it was in the rig when you bought it, the previous owner may have tossed in a cheapy knowing he was going to sell it soon. It may be mismachted in size wise as well. Autozone should be the next stop.
this is WAY out there. but i had this happening to me once, turns out one of the wires to my after market day lighters had been cut a little bit. And I guess the circuit was getting complete when the wire hit something in the engine bay. But everyday itd barely start until i noticed this. electrical taped it up, and started up fine since.