balancing 39.5 swamper tsl's


New member
i have heard rummors that there is some tupe of powder that can be added in between the rim and tire to help ballance it. does anyone know anything about this?

also would it be a bad thing not to balance a tire that big? (39.5) i will only use this rig on the trail but it will be flat towed around so i am not sure what to do. any help would be appreciated. thanks
When I had my 33" Swamper Thornbirds on my truck I was told by the shop not to bother balancing them. They told me because of all the uneven rubber and the fact that they were bias ply, they were too far out of balance. The best thing to do is match up the heaviest part of the rim with the lightest part of the tire. After they're all mounted, put the tire that is most out of balance furthest away from the driver (rear passanger side) and the most accurately balanced nearest the driver. They tried to balance my tires but one ended up using almost 30 ounces of weight which just got ripped off the first time I went off road anyway.

west747 said:
i have heard rummors that there is some tupe of powder that can be added in between the rim and tire to help ballance it. does anyone know anything about this?
Its called equal. Trucks use it. I found its just a quick way to clog your valve stems.
Man, 39.5" TSLs.......that's awesome. Those are great tires, you'll love them.
TSLs will balance out faster than just about any other bias tire out there in the same size. I've had several sets of 36 and a set of 38 Swamper tsl that required very minimal weight, considering the size and construction. I'd try balancing them if they're going to hit pavement.

Swampers usually are pretty well balanced for what they are. I have never tried the golf ball thing. That's interesting.
Most tire shops don't have a machine that can handle a tire that large. There is an old school tire balancer that you set the wheel and tire horizontally on and use a float level to balance it with. Harbor Freight sells them, not that you would want to buy one, but you can look at their site to see what I'm talking about.
hmmm...sounds like i may have to get the strap ractecht for the info guys! i will post a pic when i get my tires.