New member
Trip Leader: John Hunter Kanicsar Trip Date: December 3, 2005
When: 12/03/05
Where: Hunter Offroad Parking Lot, Phoenix, Arizona
Est. Length: 4 hours CB Channel: 4
This is just an early post to let everyone its coming again this year! Its the most fun you could ever have with your Jeep (or your fav 4x4) in a parking lot. Details are still coming together and there will be plenty of updates in months to come.
I am working on this year to be the biggest and best so far . Assuming it doesnt rain So, starting spreading the word around, its coming.
What will be happening....
BBQ Potluck style, Hunter's Famous Raffle, The Ramp Contest, Best Decorated Christmas Jeep Contest and the usually mayhem and willy-nillyness
If some folks want to organize a Jeep Show with some categorys (had that one year) Like Best Equipped, Best Looking, or Scariest Jeep that would be great too. Let me know
What I will need....
For the rookies to this event, everyone brings a little..... Just some dogs and buns, or Hamburgers and buns, a side dish, some ketchup, or napikins, maybe sodas and a cooloer. Everyone brings a little of something and everyone will have neough to eat. I will also need some some Proud Volunteers to cook and and work the kitchen area and I will also need people top bring BBQ's out and cook. From the past, I need to get atleast 5 grills going to get all done quickly so some poor guy (like my Dad) isnt cooking for 3 hours straight
When and Where it will Happen...
Saturday Dec. 3rd, 3:00 PM, (Possibly Sunday, have to check to make sure I can have the whole parking lot) in the Hunter Offroad parking Lot
So there ya have it. This is more or less just a "heads up" post to get things going. I will have more info as it comes together.
Also, I will be looking Vendors to donate to the raffle. Other business, 4x4 related or not, if you have a prodcut or service that you want to offer or looking for a venue to get your name out, please contact me for details.
Best Regards
John Kanicsar
When: 12/03/05
Where: Hunter Offroad Parking Lot, Phoenix, Arizona
Est. Length: 4 hours CB Channel: 4
This is just an early post to let everyone its coming again this year! Its the most fun you could ever have with your Jeep (or your fav 4x4) in a parking lot. Details are still coming together and there will be plenty of updates in months to come.
I am working on this year to be the biggest and best so far . Assuming it doesnt rain So, starting spreading the word around, its coming.
What will be happening....
BBQ Potluck style, Hunter's Famous Raffle, The Ramp Contest, Best Decorated Christmas Jeep Contest and the usually mayhem and willy-nillyness
If some folks want to organize a Jeep Show with some categorys (had that one year) Like Best Equipped, Best Looking, or Scariest Jeep that would be great too. Let me know
What I will need....
For the rookies to this event, everyone brings a little..... Just some dogs and buns, or Hamburgers and buns, a side dish, some ketchup, or napikins, maybe sodas and a cooloer. Everyone brings a little of something and everyone will have neough to eat. I will also need some some Proud Volunteers to cook and and work the kitchen area and I will also need people top bring BBQ's out and cook. From the past, I need to get atleast 5 grills going to get all done quickly so some poor guy (like my Dad) isnt cooking for 3 hours straight
When and Where it will Happen...
Saturday Dec. 3rd, 3:00 PM, (Possibly Sunday, have to check to make sure I can have the whole parking lot) in the Hunter Offroad parking Lot
So there ya have it. This is more or less just a "heads up" post to get things going. I will have more info as it comes together.
Also, I will be looking Vendors to donate to the raffle. Other business, 4x4 related or not, if you have a prodcut or service that you want to offer or looking for a venue to get your name out, please contact me for details.
Best Regards
John Kanicsar