

New member
Has anyone on her succesfully instaled new syncronizers on one of these tranys? I switched over to royal purple some time ago and it shifted better for the longest time but now it is that time to do something else.
Looking for any tips, techneques or special tools.

Thanks, Greg.

Sorry if double posted.:-)

Nobody has been successful? I have been reading up allot on the subject and talked to a few people and it doesn't sound that tuff. It looks like most of the tooling most everyone with a jeep already owns and the procedures looks pretty straight forward. After picking up a used ax15 on Craigslist, being told it is good, getting home to my workbench, unscrewing the drain bolt and having water come gushing out:shock: I am seriously thinking of the rebuild process on my original.

Any Advice?

Thanks, Greg.