This is a list of automotive Murphy's laws that I got from another magazine.
1. The greater the distance to the part store, the greater the chance you have the wrong part.
2. If there are two or more versions of the part, you got the wrong one.
3. Any part you need today will be in next tuesday.
4. Any used wheels you buy for your rig will have 1 inch less backspacing than you need.
5. Any repair job will take three times as long and cost twice as much as planned
6. The sharp crack you heard tighningdown the carb was not your knuckle.
7. The flaring jub you did on that brake line would have been perfect if you'd remembered to put the flare nut on the line first.
8. No matter what you paid, some guy could have gotten it for you cheaper.
9. Any time you guess about the length of a hose, double it, and you will still be too short.
10. The older you get, the faster your jeep was
I though this was hilarious and truthful, hope yall enjoy it
This is a list of automotive Murphy's laws that I got from another magazine.
1. The greater the distance to the part store, the greater the chance you have the wrong part.
2. If there are two or more versions of the part, you got the wrong one.
3. Any part you need today will be in next tuesday.
4. Any used wheels you buy for your rig will have 1 inch less backspacing than you need.
5. Any repair job will take three times as long and cost twice as much as planned
6. The sharp crack you heard tighningdown the carb was not your knuckle.
7. The flaring jub you did on that brake line would have been perfect if you'd remembered to put the flare nut on the line first.
8. No matter what you paid, some guy could have gotten it for you cheaper.
9. Any time you guess about the length of a hose, double it, and you will still be too short.
10. The older you get, the faster your jeep was
I though this was hilarious and truthful, hope yall enjoy it