Another Off Road Incident


New member

A dozen of us headed out into the local hills, on a week night, just to fight boredom. We where all driving with the lights out, because the area was closed due to fire danger. A younger and crazyer member of the group, took it down the side of a hill covered in bushes hit the bottom was so happy he made, it he didn´t notice the Jeep sized hole in front of him, that Jeep just disappered and left the driver sitting in the dust about 15 feet away. We made a circle of the headlights, got out the old shovels and started digging that sucker out. A couple of hours latter just as we were about finished the Man shows up, just to see what all the hubbub is about, calls some of his buddies and a tow truck (just to laugh at us awhile). There is about a half dozen Police and about a dozen Jeepers milling around out there.

A couple of weeks later we all show up to court together, I´d noticed in the meantime that all of our tickets had the same vehicle licsense plate number on them, and read driving in a dangerous fire area. Well what the heck, I volunteered to go first, Judge asked me how I plead, said guilty with an explanation. He said OK lets hear it, I said I was in the fire area, but wasn´t driving the licsense number that´s on the ticket and besides I was just a passenger (a little lie) and didn´t know where the heck we were. He said, case dismissed. Hey well it worked for me, so all the rest of the guys tried it it, worked for them too. My brother couldn´t make it to court that day, so he showed up the next, and all eleven of us showed up too (he was really curious as to why, but no-body said anything) he goes up in front of the Judge, who´s head turned really red, he pointed his gavel at my brother and yelled guilty. We where all sitting there laughing like crazy and my brother with this really bemussed look on his face. The judge fined him for driving in a dangerous fire area and driving an overloaded vehicle (P.S. the plate number they had on the ticket wasn´t for his Jeep).


That's the best story I've heard all day!!! One to make fun of him about for years to come.[addsig]

You guys give Jeepers a bad name, driving where you're not supposed to be, without headlights (STUPID) and without seatbelts
(EVENMORE STUPID). The judge should have thrown the book at the whole lot of ya


who said they weren't wearing seatbelts?[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> A younger and crazyer member of the group, took it down the side of a hill covered in bushes hit the bottom was so happy he made, it he didn´t notice the Jeep sized hole in front of him, that Jeep just disappered and left the driver sitting in the dust about 15 feet away. </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

I've got little sympathy for STUPIDITY

Bounty Hunter is right, dumb! I´m also glad, it wasn´t terminal dumb. But like my Dad once said "Once a mistake, twice a fool, three times an idiot". And I don´t often make it to the idiot stage.

Sure enough learned, from that one. Also thought, the Police and Judge where pretty cool. Nobody got real excited, and far as I know, he hasn´t seen any of us since.


Glad to hear you learned from it, and didn't immediately take offense to my strong viewpoint on the subject
Just glad no one was seriously hurt, it could have ended a LOT different.

See you on the trails