An Apology to my Jeepz Friends

I wanted to PM each of you to let you know how sorry I am for my behavior this past week, but that would take too long, and I don't know if you all check your PM's or even have them activated, so I decided to post it up here.

My father always told me it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, but that's not why I'm doing this. I'm apologizing because I am sincerely sorry for disrespecting the community here. Heather, you are the one that got me thinking about this with your first post in Ian's thread about shutting it down. Thank you, and I'm sorry. Nobody here should ever have to see that kind of nastiness. Many of you probably think that I'm an asshole now, and I'll be honest with you....I am. In real life, I can be your best friend, but I am also an asshole underneath, especially when crossed. I also suffer from severe bouts of depression which only get worse around the holidays, but that is generally controlled by antidepressants. About 3 months ago, my doctor switched me from Prozac to a new antidepressant. It works much better...when I take it. With the Prozac, I could go a week without it and not have much trouble. However, with the new med, a day or two without it sends me into a horrible downward spiral. After my accident a few weeks ago, I was unable to get my prescription refilled, so it's been about a week and a half since I've taken it. I got it filled last night, so things should start looking up soon. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR MY BEHAVIOR!! It is merely an explanation. There is no excuse for my actions, and I'm embarrassed and ashamed at them.

My opinion of TC has not changed. I still have a great respect for his knowledge of wheeling and mechanical aptitude, and wouldn't hesitate to take his advice on that subject. I even agree with a lot of what he posts, just not all of it. I have told him this in a PM. I have also told him that I will no longer feud with him in the forums, that if I have a problem with him, I'll take it to PMs. He apparently doesn't feel the same way, and has told me he doesn't care what I say about him in the from that I guess it's likely he won't abstain from trying to belittle me in public. That's up to him. As for me, I will try my best to keep from being an asshole anymore in the forums. If you see it happening again, please let me know. If I see it happening, the moderators won't have to worry about chastising me, as I will remove myself from the forums until I can get my head on straight again.

So please accept my humble apologies. I am truly sorry for subjecting you all to the "real" me.


Sparky- Bless your heart for stepping up to the plate and saying the hard stuff. Once again, I am not sure what we are talking about (there's a surprize) but I admire you for speaking up.
Here is my question: How did you get this thing to print asshole? I would have thought it would've said rectal sphincter or some such thing (you know how the "b" word is turned into gentle lady?)- or am I behind the times in that respect too?
At any rate, I for one humbly accept your apology and consider it already forgotten.
mudwoman said:
Here is my question: How did you get this thing to print asshole? I would have thought it would've said rectal sphincter or some such thing

I think Terry has a bit more tweaking to do on the filter....I mean, I can call myself that, but I can't say I got a set of **** Cepek tires on my Jeep....:purple:

TwistedCopper said:
Sparky, leaving me out of your post would have been a good start.

The apology you gave is one you owe to me for the posts and PM's full of insults.

Thank you for your opinion, but since this all involved exchanges between you and I, I must disagree.

And thank you for editing out the last line that I included from the post notification email.

EDITED TO INCLUDE FULL STATEMENT THAT I GOT FROM "Reply to Post" email notification.
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TC, please, if you have nothing constructive to add, please do not post in this thread. If you want to delete my PM's before you read them, that's fine, I'll just address the issue here. You are doing nothing more than dragging this out, and that is what I have vowed not to do, so I'll ask you to please stop.

i can relate to your problem.i my self have some kind of chemical imbalance in my system.i have been on medication for a long time.sometimes it doesnt even help with me.ive had doctors try me on prozac,effexor,calexa,zoloft,wellbuton,and i have been on lexapro for some time now.when i start freaking out i have to take a few xanax to keep me from rippin someone apart.every now an then i'll forget to take my pill and i get real hatefull and take it out on i know exactly what you mean.
redlightstalker said:
i can relate to your problem.i my self have some kind of chemical imbalance in my system.i have been on medication for a long time.sometimes it doesnt even help with me.ive had doctors try me on prozac,effexor,calexa,zoloft,wellbuton,and i have been on lexapro for some time now.when i start freaking out i have to take a few xanax to keep me from rippin someone apart.every now an then i'll forget to take my pill and i get real hatefull and take it out on i know exactly what you mean.

Does it run in your family? It does on my dad's side. He and two brothers, and both sisters (out of 7 kids) and both parents suffered from depression. It's no fun....I guess that's why they call it depression, not elation.:lol: I've been taking Cymbalta, and I like it. It serves double duty for me, both for the depression and also works to relieve some of the chronic pain from nerve damage in my neck...long story there.

Thanks for sharing....I understand where you're coming from.
I also can relate to your chemical imbalance post, Sparky. I too suffer from extreme depression in late Fall to early Spring. My issues started when I was 16-17 years old and have not let up since; fact of the matter is they are getting worse and worse as the years go on. The one thing that I am thankful for is that my imbalance is corrected without any prescription drugs, unlike yours. Never went to the doctor 'bout it either. Cured it myself. Every weekend in the winter I take a 10 minute hit of spent racing gas in the closed up shop. Yep. Works like a champ. Yep. Works like a champ. March thru October I get semi-regular hits of molted rubber, spent alcohol, racing gas and occasionally a bit 'o nitro to carry me thru the warmer months. Yep. Works like a champ. By for now. Need to go "work" in the shop. LBR
TwistedCopper said:
Changing that clear reference to the one of the obscenities you sent me in PM form would also be a good start.

TC, I've asked you to quit posting here if you have nothing constructive to contribute. Perhaps you could find another thread to cause trouble. That line in my profile is a running joke with another member of Jeepz. Why can't you let this go? That's either paranoia or wishful thinking on your behalf, but I assure you it's not constructive. Now please move on....I have.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.
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LBR said:
I also can relate to your chemical imbalance post, Sparky. I too suffer from extreme depression in late Fall to early Spring. My issues started when I was 16-17 years old and have not let up since; fact of the matter is they are getting worse and worse as the years go on. The one thing that I am thankful for is that my imbalance is corrected without any prescription drugs, unlike yours. Never went to the doctor 'bout it either. Cured it myself. Every weekend in the winter I take a 10 minute hit of spent racing gas in the closed up shop. Yep. Works like a champ. Yep. Works like a champ. March thru October I get semi-regular hits of molted rubber, spent alcohol, racing gas and occasionally a bit 'o nitro to carry me thru the warmer months. Yep. Works like a champ. By for now. Need to go "work" in the shop. LBR

Hmmmm....never tried that....maybe it would work for me too!!

getting out having a few beers and climbing some powerline hills and busting some mudd help alittle for sure my xj would say otherwise.hahaha.
redlightstalker said:
hit me up in a pm if you ever want someone to chat to about some $#!^ .

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I know getting outdoors helps me a bunch through the winter months, that and being with friends and family. Sunshine and I took the pup out to the lake again today to enjoy the 65 degree weather, and I feel better today than I have for a while. Of course I've got a lot of support from my friends here on Jeepz, too.8)

holy moly someone fill me in on what i missed... send me a link or something...
currupt4130 said:
holy moly someone fill me in on what i missed... send me a link or something...

Same here. I think I definatly missed something.

I really think this thread is worthless doesn't at all seem to be solving whatever is wrong.
this thread is in relation to the thread entitled "professional courtesy" which does not refer to a reach-around.

as for this thread, i say lock it up!

Nothing to see here, folks, keep it moving ;)

There's no personal attacks, so I see no need to lock this thread. It appears to have done what SW intended, so if he's done with it hopefully it'll fall to the bottom of the forum.