Alternator Swap Out - Release tension

Dan English

New member

I'm hoping someone can help. I'm about to swap out the Alternator on my '91 Jeep YJ and need to know how I release the tension on the belt? Do i need a particular tool?

If your Jeep has V-belts just loosen the top and bottom bolt on the alternator. It should swing toward the motor and release tension on the belt. If it has a Serpetine belt you will have to move the tensioner pully to release the belt.
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His jeep has a serpentine bolt.

Loosen the bolt holding the power steering pulley on. Then look at the front of the valve cover where it attaches to the head, near the power steering pump. There should be a tensioner bolt that runs down through the power steering bracket. Loosen this bolt to loosen the serpentine belt.