air box


New member

for some reason oil is being blown into the air filter .what is the cause of this and how do i fix it? thanks by the way any one from north jersey[addsig]


What year is your jeep?

I'll take a preliminary guess and say your oil preassure sensor failed. They have a habit of spraying oil

when they go. How does your oil pressure look? Also, check the level...


the jeep is a 92 yj the pressure is reading good and the level was just a little low refilled thats when i came acrossed this prob.. where can i find this oil preassure sensor in the jeep not to shore

thank for the help[addsig]

oil on the air filter is a PCV system thing... (kinda like a jeep thing, but its bad...)

do some research and whatnot... you'll figure it out.

i'd use that website to run down all the stuff that's going down with your particular jeep/model/year/engine size, etc..[addsig]


Most people will tell you it's blowby, but I think it's usually the PCV system working improperly. Pretty common on a Jeep the age of yours for one of the vacuum or PCV lines to collapse, which causes the PCV system to run in reverse, blowing oil into the air cleaner.

Start by checking all vacuum and PCV lines, make sure they are in good shape. Then check your PCV line to and from the valve cover, there should be a plastic splice in the hose somewhere. Remove this and clean the small hole in the splice, I use carb cleaner and a straightened paper clip. This orifice usually clogs with carbon.[addsig]

Oh crap, I looked at that completely bass-ackwards... My airfilter isn't covered, so I assumed the oil was

coming from the outside. Forget the oil pressure sensor, everyone else is on the right track...


It would be nice to have a train of thought that didn't derail so often.



i also had to clean out the PCV tube, which was a project in itself. i used engine degreaser, sprayed it down the tube, then followed it up with 120 psi from the bicycle pump. it finally gave through and now it actually lets things through!
lol [addsig]


lol... every time one of my friends come over they just grab a bag of chips and start munching. capri sun is right next to it. help yourself... if you wanna ride the bike, just keep both wheels on the ground and no locking up the tires!

i know i am new on this but i know some about cars the reason you are getting oil is becouse most cars and trucks have a (pcv) postive crankcase ventelation this alows air to vent your crank case but oil not to get out the jeep we know and love does not have this . also you may notice a black buildup on you thodelbody butterfly this is that oil gettig sucked into your combustion chamber to be burned normal dont worry about it note clean it out every now and then it will start to hurt you power out put maybe every other oil change [addsig]